Chapter 33: The Embassy Battle Part 1

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Earth's Embassy, 26 february 2027.

"Death to the otherworlder invaders." These were the worlds that changed history forever while those below were the ones said in after the latter.

"An explosion? What is happening?"

"Mr President. Let's get out from here. It's dangerous."

"All men. Status report, now!"

"Sir! It seems that some intruders are breaching the embassy. My company is moving to engage the enemy."

"In the name of Limir! Who dared to attack here highness! You will all pay for this insolence!"

Some minutes later some men dressed with capes entered in the room holding muskets, swords and crossbows and some of them weren't humans...

"Who are you? You have no idea who are you daring to attack!" Said a secret service agent of the US president while poiting its 9mm beretta pistol towards them.

"What we are as no meaning. We are here to purge the heretical otherworders who want to colonize our world and enslave us."

"Bullshit!" He said.

"This was a peaceful meeting but you assholes dared to ruin it!" 

"The time for talking is over! Fireball!"

The men then casted a fire spell that started to set the building on fire.

"Open fire!" Ordered a US Navy Seal Captain.

Then a rain of bullets shot by some M4 carabines flew towards the figure killing him.

The battle finally started.

"Earthquake!" Yelled an attacker and then the soil started to shake.

"Bloody hell!" Said a SAS soldier.

"Uccidete quel figlio di puttana (kill that motherfucker)!" Ordered an italian general.

Then the soldiers started firing their new ARX160 (that is meant to replace the AR 70/90) killing the wizard and ending the small earthquake.

"Open fire!" Ordered an enemy.

Then a volley of flintlock muskets flew toward the earthlings but luckly the modern body armors managed to stop some of the bullets but there was the first Earth's casualty, a butler that was hit by the volley.

This death angered the earthlings and they opened fire with their weapons aganist the attackers but something stopped the bullets...

"Barrier.." Said a group of wizard.

"No fucking way!"

"Mi state prendendo in giro? (Are you kidding me?)"

"Cyka Blyat!"

"Earthlings! That was the strongest defensive type spell: the barrier. Be careful because it's very hard to destroy." Yelled Valentinia.

"You heard the child. Frag out!" Yelled a US Marine.

Then a lot of granades flew in the direction of the enemy breaking the barrier and killing some of them.

"We have to be careful. We are inside a building with civilians and VIPS." Said a french general.

Meanwhile, Rotar POV of the battle.

The emperor could not believe it! Every peace effort wasted in the blink of an eye but there was still hope.

"Guards! Let's help the earthlings. Follow me!"

"Yes, your majesty!" They yelled.

"Body Improvement!" Said an Imperial Guard while casting the special type spell that made him faster. He then started a sword fight with an attacker.

The emperor also embraced his sword while Setor was reaching him in order to do his duty.

"I have to find my family in this mess my loyal Setor. Will you help me?"

"I serve the empire and the imperial family. It's my duty." Setor replied.

They then started fighting some attackers.

"Why are there some many enemies? This was supposed to be the most secure event on Earth history!" Said the US president to some secret service man.

"I don't know sir. We will find out when we will go back to Earth." The guard said while shooting enemies with his MP5 submachine gun.

"Our People's Republic will not forgive this. Kill them!" Ordered the chinese president.

Then some of his security fired their type 95 assault rifle aganist the enemies.

"Our motherland is stronger than these bastards. Show them hell!" Ordered the russian president.

Then the russians joined the fight and started firing their AK 100.

"I have never thought I would die fighting side by side with a russian." Said a US Marine.

"What abouy side by side with a friend (at least for today)?"

"Aye, I could do that!"

While the fighting was progressing some butlers, soldiers and other people were helping the civilians and the nobles in the EVAC.

"Quickly! The fire caused by that spell is still here." Said Giovanni Rossi.

"I will help thanks to my special spell that casts water." Said Sefy.

Chaos has finally started... What do you think will happen?

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