Chapter 6: Two Worlds Finally Meet

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Earth team POV

"Young girl, we are not hostiles and we don't want to hurt you". Said one soldier to the elf girl.

"Rashima mida lema tina?". Said the elf girl while two more figures revealed themselves: a redhead young girl and a muscolar man with a huge sword.

"That girl looks like she went out from an anime. Even her uniform reminds me of the japanese ones". Said Giovanni.

"There no time for nerd shit now. We have three potential hostiles... Soldiers, prepare to fire if they attack!". Ordered the colonel.

"Yes sir!" The soldiers yelled while pointing their AR 70/90 assault rifles aganist the lomorians.

Beretta AR 70/90 (image not mine)

Beretta AR 70/90 (image not mine)

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Fantasy world's POV

"What a strange language! It doesn't seems like any of the languages spoken in the other countries outside the empire" Said Valentinia while whispering to Leonio.

"Let's help Gilerta!" Said Leonio.

After that they went out from their hiding place.

"Where are you from?" Said Gilerta before noticing her friends coming to help her.

Few seconds later the lomorians noticed that the strange foreigners were pointing weird muskets at them.

"I will defend you all!" Yelled Leonio while holding his sword.

"I have something useful that I learned at school..." Said Valentinia.

She then started chanting a spell and after a few seconds a light incorporated everyone.

"What was that?" Said someone.

"I can finally understand you" Said Gilerta.

"Yes, me too" Said a man wearing what looked a pair of glasses.

"Was that magic?" Said again the same man.

"Yes, I'm Valentinia Rusolic. Nice too meet you strange people".

"Rember to wear face masks everyone" Said a person.

Then the strange people started wearing face masks.

"Why the masks?"  Said Valentinia.

"They are useful preventing diseases caused by microorganism" Said the man with glasses.

"What are microrganism?" Asked Valentinia.

"They are tiny creatures that makes you sick". A woman spoke.

"Hi, I'm Sofia Luciani and I'm a doctor or if you prefer an healer" Said Sofia.

"Wait everyone... Magic is real?" Said a man.

"Yes, it always has been real". Said Valentinia.

"From where we come from magic doesn't exist apart in stories and myths"

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"From where we come from magic doesn't exist apart in stories and myths". Said again the man.

"Where are you from?" Said Valentinia.

"It's ok if we tell them?" Said a musketeer to a man that seemed to be his leader.

"Yes, it's ok. Maybe magic can explain the portal and they could help us understanding it".

"I'm colonel Solini of the italian army, a country from Earth, another world".

"What do you mean by another world?" Said Gilerta.

"About a month ago a strange mist appeared inside a forest near the town of Capeccio and it was discovered to lead to another world and so we sent a team to explore it". Said Solini.

"And here we are". Said the man with glasses.

After that the colonel introduced the team members to the trio and they decided to introduce themselves too.

"As I said my name i Valentinia Rusolic and I'm a student at the Imperial Academy of Magic in the town of Castir".

"My name is Leonio Nemunor and I'm an adventurer".

"My name is Gilerta Selar and I'm an adventurer too".

"I have a question for you". Said Valentinia.

"If you don't have magic in your world how could the horseless carriages move?" She asked.

"Oh, it's thanks to a thing called "science"". Said the engineer.

"In short, a liquid that we call fuel burns inside a thing called engine and the energy created makes the wheels move". Continued the engineer.

"Science is the study of how reality works and I teach it in a school called "Università La Sapienza"". Said Giovanni.

"Maybe magic is a part of a science that we haven't discovered yet". Ended Giovanni.

"We are curious of how magic works. Do you mind telling us more?" Said the engineer Costini.

"Basically there are three types of magic: special, attack and defence. The special type of magic allows various types of spells: healing spells, translations speels like the one I used before and many others support spells. The attack type of magic allows user to use offensive types of magic: fireballs, lightnings and many more. The last type of magic, the defence type, allows user to use defensives spells: barriers and reinforce armor spells for example".  Explained Valentinia.

"A wizard uses a lot of energy to cast a spell and usually nobles are wizards while commoners that can use magic, like me, are not very common". She ended.

"Ok, thanks for the explainations". Said Giovanni.

"Perhaps you know something about strange metallic birds... Are they yours?" Asked Gilerta.

"Metallic birds? Oh... you mean drones?" Said Enrico Costini.

"Yes, we sent them to explore this world before our coming. They are metallic birds with a thing that allows us to see from the distance". Ended Enrico.

"Our country is called Italy. We want to know your country's name too". Said the historian Sandro Gennari.

"Our country is called Lomor Empire and we are lead by his majesty Rotar I. We are the strongest country in the Kharn continent". Said Leonio with proud.

"Maybe Lord Selfrud would be interested in meeting these "italians"". Said again Leonio.

"We will take you to our feudal lord and here you could open diplomatic relations with the empire". Said Gilerta.

"I will tell about you to my classmate Sefy, Lomor's first princess. In this way you will be able to meet the emperor in the future". Said Valentinia.

"We want to know more about your world too". Endend Valentinia.

"We will have plenty of time to talk during our trip". Said Solini.

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