Chapter 40: Warriors of The World

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17 of May 2027, near the portal's entrance.

The Earth Coalition's army was massive and made by almost 20 thousand men belonging to various countries (even Russia and Ukraine decided to fight on the same side like Iran and Israel did). This military action was even approved by a UN resolution some days before.

It was decided due to logistic problems to divide the attack on 4 waves made by 5 thousand men each.

The first wave started crossing the portal at 8:00 am but the enemy was waiting for them...

"Contact! 12:00 o'clock. Fire at will "" Yelled a US marine.

"They are everywhere! Throw a smoke grenade ASAP!" Said a german soldier.

"Put your thermal viewers on and watch your fire!" Yelled a russian soldier.

Then the earthlings started firing towards the enemies that were coming from the trees..

"Shit! It's almost like in Vietnam..." Cursed a US soldier.

"Luckly they don't have ak47s..." Said a US marine.

"But they have motherfucking magic..." Said an italian soldier.

Then an explotion occured killing 10 Earth's soldiers.

"We have an enemy mage at 10 o' clock. Kill that motherfucker!"

The soldiers then started firing at the enemy mage but a magic barrier protected him...

"Shit! We need armored support ASAP!" 

"The tanks are coming but it seems that the enemy is smarter than we thought... He built some holes to slow down armored vehicles..." Said a french soldier.

"More enemies are coming and we're taking heavy fire from their muskets!" Said a chinese soldier on the radio.

"We're killing a lot of them but some "orcs" are protecting them and they seem to wear some very resistent armors..."

"The engineers finally managed to secure a patway for our tanks. Let's get this show started..." Said an italian officer on the radio to every soldier of the coalition.

Then some M1A2 Abrams tanks started firing their guns towards the magic barrier helped by some russian T90'S.

"The russian bear and the american eagle say hi fantasy fuckers!" Said a russian tank commander.

"The mages are gone. Advance!" Yelled a canadian soldier.

Backed by the tanks' support the coalition started advancing killing the orcs that seemed to wear an armor stronger than a normal one...

"They must have worn some magic ones..." Said an australian soldier.

"More enemies are coming and they have brought some air support..." Said an english soldier.

"Dragons? This time we have some surprises for them..." Said a mexican soldier.

Then the dragons and some wyverns started to attack the coaltion's army but some AA vehicles were waiting for them with their missiles and cannons...

"I hope you liked that motherfuckers..."

"This is for the reporters that died that day... Assholes!"

"Wait... Something isn't right... Are those humans flying?" Asked a  chinese soldiers.

Then some of them landed were the coalition was and started running with a superhuman speed killing the soldiers by sucking blood.

"Vampires! Are we fucking serious?"

"Shoot those bastards!" Yelled a spanish soldier.

Then a rain of bullet flew towards the vampires but they regenerated their wounds quickly.

"If bullets don't work we have to try something stronger..." Said an Ariete commander.

He then fired with the tank's cannon killing  many of the vampires but some surivors managed to avoid being hit.

"Keep them busy by firing a them!" 

"The enemy is started to advance again. We have to get rid of them quickly!" Said a israelian soldier.

Then some US soldier started plating some claymores mines around that killed the remaining vampires.

"It's not over yet... The enemy is advancing and has started to fire at us with cannons and catapults..."

"More tanks are coming. Hold on boys!" Said a chinese tank commander.

Waiting for the help the coalition started to set up some mortars to slow down the enemy's advance.

"We are managing to slow them down but their archers are in range now!"

Then the lomorians archers fired towards the earthling managing to injure some soldiers without killing them.

"Enemy mages 12:00 o'clock. They are summoning fireballs and we're under heavy fire!"

"We have arrived! Thanks for your patience!" Said a tank commander.

The entire armored division of the first wave was now complete with 15 tanks and 5 IFVS and was ready to crush the enemy backed by some AA support and waiting for the second wave to arrive...

But what is the royal family and the emperor doing during the attacks? What happened to them?

In order to find out we have to go a little back in time...

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