Chapter 60: Coppelli's Resolve.

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Imperial Palace, throne room.

After performing the spell the demon lord was very fatigued...

"Did I manage to perform the spell correctly? Studying the origin of magic inside the ruins of what the ancient civilization calls "laboratory"  is giving very interesting results. In fact I am now able to control the matter's structure better and I can see (how did they call them?) the molecules and the atoms in my mind even thought I am not able to comprehend them fully. I have to study that "quantum mechanics" more in particular that "uncertainty principle"." Xander thought.

Meanwhile the Earth's paratroopers were finally able to land thanks to the support of an AC-130 plane (the only plane that hasn't returned to the base).

"Base Omega, we're oscar mike." A paratrooper reported.

"Roger that, Team Bravo, Team Charlie you have the green light." The operator reported to both the spies underground and the solider above.

After the "ok" from the base the spies climbed some stairs that led inside the palace's courtyard from the sewers while the paratroopers stormed the palace's gate with some well placed C4 charges.

Meanwhile, city's outskirts.

"Shit! These golems are though. Base Omega, I see many bodies around and we didn't cause them. WTF are these fantasy bastards planning?" A tank operator reported.

"Raptor, this is Base Omega, continue investigating and keeping busy the enemy. Some men belonging to the vassal army are coming to help: heavy cavalry and some dragons."

"Roger that, gunner I see some enemy at 2 o' clock."

"Heat round ready!"

"3-2-1, FIRE!"

So the M1 Abrams tank fired a shot towards a group of golems greatly damaging them. Then it fired another round and finally destroyed the targets but more of them were coming...

"They never end! We will have to retreat. I also see some giants coming towards our position together with some beastmen and wyverns."

"Raptor, the reinforcement have arrived together with some Apache helicopters. They will cover your retreat." Explained the radio operator.

"Come on men, for the empire!" Shouted one of the vassals' cavalrymen while leading the charge towards come trolls.

Meanwhile, the M1 Abram together with an israelian Merkava and some italian Ariete were beginning retreating while supporting the attacking allied armies with their machine guns and cannons together with the Apaches.

Imperial Palace...

"Shit! The Imperial Guards are coming." Yelled a Folgore soldier.

"Fire at will!" Thei commander ordered.

Then the soldiers aimed their assault rifles towards the enemies but their magic barrier was too strong.

"I also see more enemy reinforcement coming, we'll be overrun!" 

Luckly for them the AC-130 and some drones managed to help them.

"Thanks for the help, Eagle-1" One of the soldier thanked.

"Don't mention it. Ha, the HQ ordered to the remaning air support to intercept the enemy reinforcement. For now on you'll be alone. Good luck."

Then the AC-130 flew away and started bombarding the demon lord's new arrived army together with the summoned golems before having to retreat to refuel and to supply the ammo.

"Ok, the courtyard is secured, I also see our intelligence "friends" coming towards us." Their commander stated.

In fact, soon after the two teams had the rendez vous had headed towards the palace's main building where the throne room and the dungeouns were located.

"Team 1, we'll go to find the bastard, team 2, go to the dungeons: we have to rescue the imperial family and Italy's defense minister." The highest ranking officer spoke.

He had reorganized the squad in two groups and he was also always in contact with the HQ.

"Luckly we also managed to obtain the map of this place." One of the spies stated.

"That guard was so drunk that he beat the map during that game of poker." One of them commented.

Back to the battle...

"Fairies, lend me your power and destroy the enemies!" Yord stated and then a flash of light appeared and some of the vassals knights perished in a istant.

"Bloody hell! It's like that time during the embassy accident..." A british soldier stated.

"Base Omega, coordinates 3-5-1. We need fucking artillery support aganist that elven motherfucker!." He shouted

"Roger, hold out for some minutes."

"Otherworders! I see you. Royal lance!" Yord stated and some ice lances were thrown toward the british soldier.

"Shit! He spotted me." The soldier said while responding towards the enemy fire with his SA80 rifle.

"Barrier!" Yord shouted.

Luckly for the soldier some other men arrived and started helping him.

"Don't you know you can't win? My lord has obtained the knowledge of the ancient civilization and has promised me revenge aganist those bastard of my family that exiliated me. MORSOR'S THRONE IS MINE! RACLEA YOU BITCH!" He shouted.

Then he was about to summon some fairies in order to perform the powerful spell when the artillery shells started hitting him and his guards.

"Shit! It's not over." He said before retreating while some golems took the hits in his place.

Earth's FOB.

General Coppelli was walking up and down nervously while Earth's commander were reporting the situation to his control room.

"Cazzo! (fuck) My men are still fighting the imperial army in the city and the demon lord hasn't be defeat yet... I hate to say that but the american friends were probably right to keep a tactical nuclear bomb inside the B-52 in the air rotation (the same that defeated the Solat Alliance). I said that maybe that was too overkill but I really start to think that we will need it. The tanks won't hold for long and some of the golems seems to have regenerative abilties and that army will soon come to their master's rescue. The airforce won't also be ready for an hour and more and the only AC-130 on the field won't be enough. So, for the sake of the city and my men's I will have to deploy it but firstly we will have to distract the enemy army and make it move away from the city or the blast will be fatal for it but I have an idea for that... "

He then activated the contact line with the UN security council...

"Gentlemen, we need to talk. This will be the first use in a war of a nuke since Hiroshima and Nagasaki!" Coppelli shouted.

"Coppelli, calm down and explain!" The russian president said.

"I have a proposal for you..." The italian commander stated.


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