Chapter 19: Learning Earth's History Part 2

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"La Sapienza University", 11 december 2026.

"The gunpoweder brought by the mongols changed the warfare on Earth forever because now a less trained soldier could kill an armored knight with a well placed shot." Explained the historian.

"But you probably already know this. Right ?" Asked the historian.

"Yes. Gunpoweder was invented in the Lomor Empire about 150 years ago but the engineers and the alchemists found really fast a way to produce very advanced muskets and cannons." Said Lord Selfrud.

"Yes. You have a 15th/16th century society but you already have flintlock muskets." Said the historian.

"Before that we had arquebuses and other types of muskets." Said the lord.

"I think you are speaking about matchlock muskets." Said the historian.

"Flintlock muskets are very recent in our empire and they were invented 20 years ago." Explained Lord Selfrud.

"Some other countries don't even have firearms yet but others managed to create them." He continued saying.

"Thank you for the explaination your grace. Now I will keep going with the lecture." Said Sandro.

"As I was saying, gunpowder changed warfare forever and with the power of it the islamic country called "Ottoman Empire" sieged Costantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire, in 1453 AD using very large cannons and bringing the very end of the Roman Empire."

"Having taken Costantinople the ottomans gained the control of all the trade that was going on Asia via the Bosphorus Strait and started taxing it and so the europeans decided to try another way to reach Asia

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"Having taken Costantinople the ottomans gained the control of all the trade that was going on Asia via the Bosphorus Strait and started taxing it and so the europeans decided to try another way to reach Asia."

"In 1492 AD the explorer Christopher Columbus, supported by the spanish crown, knowing the Earth was round tried to cross the Atlantic Ocean to reach Asia but he didn't know that another continent was between him and Asia and that continent was "America".

"Amerigo Vespucci was the first to understand that that was new continent and so it was named like that in his honor."

"The discovery of America started a rush for colonies and, like Valentinia already knew from our first meeting, the encounter between the civilizations present there, the Aztec, the Incas and the Mayas, and the spanish one resulted in the end of the first three because the epidemics brought in America from Europe wiped them."

"In the meantime, in Europe the Renaissance was blooming, mainly in Italy, and great artists like Donatello, Raffaello, Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo lived in this period and the "Cappella Sistina" was painted by the latter."

"After the devastating "Black Death" Europe was rebuilding but war never changes and so wars were very common in this period mainly the religious ones because a man called "Martin Luther" created the "protestant religion" that was still christian but rejected Pope's Autority because the Catholic Church started to forgave sins in exchange for money."

"Now we will see a piece of a movie called "Alatriste" that will show you the wars of the early gunpowder age. It is set during the 30 Years War that happened in the 17th century."

"It's very similar to a battle in our world but with less guns a with a lot of magic and dragons being used." Said Lord Enric.

"Now we will quickly pass over the 17th century but the main thing to remember from this century is the start of the scientific revolution that saw great minds like Descartes and Isaac Newton that was the father of physics." Said the historian.

"Yes, he studied the motions of bodies and defined instant speed as the derivative of space respect to time (a very small ratio)." Explained Giovanni Rossi.

"Now we have arrived to the 18th century, a century whose fashion was very similar to the dresses that Cassiria, Valentinia and the princess are wearing today." Explained the historian.

"This century is one of the most important because it saw 4 main events: the birth of illuminsm, the First Industrial Revolution, the American War of Indipendece and the French Revolution." 

"The illuminism movement believed in the use of reason to understand the world and it made a large boost in science and technology and inspired many new ideas."

"In fact, in the colonies of North America that were owned by the United Kingdom discontent started to spread because of high taxes and in 1776 AD they signed the Decleration of Indipendence that stated: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"."

"Now I will show you a piece of the movie "The Patriot" in order to show you the war of indipendence."

"As you are seeing guns became main infantry weapons and battles were bloodly line battles." 

"They were using flintlock muskets but more advanced than ours." Said Lord Enric.

"I think that we maybe use these tatics aganist our enemies but I don't know if these are useful aganist dragons and magic barriers." Tought Lord Enric.

"Anyway, the americans won the war and they became the United States of America, the world's first modern republic with George Washington as the first president even tought someone, like the women, couldn't still vote." Explained Sandro.

"In the meantime in France the commoners were starving while king Louis XVI and the nobles were living in the Versailles palace in luxury."

"In the years 1789 AD the people cannot hold anymore and revolted taking the prison called the "Bastille" where political prisoners were held."

"France first became a costitutional monarchy with limited power by the king but when the latter tried fleeing  to ask for military help to the Austrian Empire to reclaim full power he was captured and executed with his wife Marie Antoniette."

"Now I will show you a clip from a movie that will show you that revolution and the execution of Louis XVI."

At the sight of a king executed by commoners the nobles of Lomor flinched and watched that scene with horror.

"I hope that my father will never suffer this fate." Thought the princess.

"He was probably an inept. I know how to make commoners stay to their place." Thought Lord Selfrud.

"As you are seeing a revolution that took down a monarchy wasn't bloodless and many nobles died with the guillotine." Explained the historian.

"But I also said that another revolution took place in that century: the industrial one."

"In the middle of the 18th century Watt invented the steam engine and that was used to create machines that weren't depent on water or wind like the mills and so factories started to be built."

"The world was evolving from a manual production to a mass one." Explained Sandro.

"But going back to France, another powerful figure was taking importance after the revolution: general Napoleon Bonaparte."

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