Chapter 61: Battle Aganist the Demon Lord Part 1

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Imperial Palace's dungeon.

"This is team 2, we're in. We will start the search for the VIPS."  

"Roger, team 2. You will have to escort them to a safe location inside the city. The situation is too hot for a helicopter to arrive. Base Omega, out."

"Shit! We're on our own guys, follow me." The team leader ordered.

Team 1's POV, throne room.

"Damn, it's too fucking quiet. Something stinks..." An Italian Folgore stated before the entire room started trembling.

"Welcome, Earthlings. I was waiting for you." A voice spoke while many enemies were emerging from every corner.

"My name is Xander or better known as the "demon lord". I will be your opponent." He stated while revealing himself to the Earth soldiers.

"Surrender now! Your stupid plan as failed. The Solat Alliance has been defeated and we will soon put the emperor back to his throne." The team leader shouted.

Then the demon laughed and launched a powerful fireball that quickly killed one of the soldier.

"Open fire!" The commander ordered and then a lot of bullets flew towards the demon lord and his guards but he stopped them like Neo did in the "Matrix" movie.

"Open fire!" The commander ordered and then a lot of bullets flew towards the demon lord and his guards but he stopped them like Neo did in the "Matrix" movie

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"Shit! That's different from the usual barrier." One of the soldier cursed.

"Kill the otherworlders! For the lord!" Xander shouted and his guards joined him with cries of joy.

Then they charged at the earthlings with their weapons raised only to be killed by the combined action of different assault rifles.

Only the best of the enemies remained alive and among them there were some imperial guards that betrayed their emperor. One of them also extracted a flinlock pistol and was about to shoot when a bullet hit him making him screaming in pain.

"Not so quickly, motherfucker!" A british SAS shouted.

Then the battle continued and it seemed a very dire situation for the Earth forces...

Meanwhile, Earth's FOB.

"COPPELLI DID YOU BECOME MAD?!" The Italian prime minister shouted.

"A nuclear strike near a major town? Are you sure about what are you saying Mr. Coppelli?" The chinese president said.

"Yes, it's the only way to save our forces and maybe the entire town from the hands of the enemy leader: our planes are unvailable for a while (and I also bet that even if we hade them we would still be in a bad situation) and our soldier are in a numerical inferiority because of the enemy "spell" that summoned these golems that are tougher thanks to magic".

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