Chapter 29: The Embassy

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Monday, 11 january 2027. Rocam, Lomor Empire.

"Sir, the embassy is fully operative. We also made the generator work and built some antennas in order to make radios and Internet work." 

"Good job! And everything was done very fast." Said Giacomo Di Giovanni, the man that was nominated as the Earth's ambassador.

"We also have to thank the emperor  and the lords that gave us the permission to build these things." He also said.

Some armed guards were also present but their number was limited to 22 units by some imperial law:

4 italian special forces "G.I.S" ("Gruppo Intervento Speciale");

4 US Navy Seals;

4 Russian Spetsnaz;

2 British S.A.S;

2 French Special Forces;

4  Chinese Special Forces;

2 KSK (German Special Forces).

Of course, it was not easy to make the NATO soldiers go along with the chinese and the russians but in this way a lot of the strongest countries on Earth had some military presence in the embassy.

The facility was defended by very large walls (it was an abandoned noble's house) and by a lot of barbed wire.

Cameras were also present and some machine gun/sniper position were also built.

Soon the inauguration of the embassy would have been held and a large feast would have been hosted with some of the most important Earth and other world personalities: the leaders of the USA, Italy, France, Russia, China, Germany, Spain, Japan, Turkey, South Korea, Brazil, Iran, South Africa, Israel, UK, the leaders of The Lomor Empire, the leaders of his vassals (Masal Kingdom and Kursov Principality) and the leaders of the countries of the Solat Continent (Morsor Kingdom, Frenic Kingdom, Restal Kingdom, Nostor Kingdom and Carsor Republic).

Obviously, an event this big requires a very high security and a force of 500 soldiers would have been mobilised (300 Earth soldiers, 100 Lomor Empire soldiers and 100 soldiers of the other countries).

Earth's TV channel would also been invited at this event in order to show for the first time live images of the other world to the humans of our planet.


"My Lord, we have some rumors of a very large feast that will be soon held in the Lomor Empire hosting some important other world leaders and every king an leader of our world." Said a servant.

"Interesting... Let's gather more information then. Soon will be our time to rise."

"Yes, Demon Lord Xander." 

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