Chapter 14: Diplomacy

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Earth, some days after the team's return from the other world.

United Nations' headquarter, New York City, United States of America.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are here to discuss the topic of a link to another world that seems to have appeared in Italy." Said the General Secretary of the UN.

"First, let's have the italians representative talking." He continued.

"Thank you, General Secretary. Recently we have sent a team to scout the other world and it seems to be a world stuck in the middle age/renaissance with "fantasy elements" in it like magic, dragons, elvens, ..." Said the italian representative.

At the mention of magic whispers started to spread among the assembly.

"Yes, you understood it correctly. It seems magic is real." The italian said.

"Our scientists are currently making some theories about it and they think that the answers may be in the DNA of the other world." He continued.

"But now let's talk about other things like potential lethal viruses and bacteria that could spread from the other world." Said the secretary.

"Right. We have quarantined the team and the two people that first went to the other world but no potential harmful microrganism were found." Said the italian.

"And what about the resources present there? What is Nato thinking right now?" Said the russian representative.

The world tensions were very high after the russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 and it seemed like a new Cold War was happening.

"Currently we have no plan to invade the other world because we don't know what dangers could be present there and the Nato it's only a defensive alliance." Said the Nato representitative present there.

"We only want to trade with them and find more about their culture. We are also planning to bring some people from that world here on Earth to talk in front of the UN." Said the italian.

"Ha, I forgot to tell that that the country we had contact with is called the Lomor Empire and it seems like a very large empire based on feudalism." He continued.

"Like I said earlier, it's a renaissance/middle age world but with very anachronistic elements like victorian maids and 1700's - 1800's fashion. The guards the team has met were armed with flintlock muskets, swords, spears and halberds." He finished.

"It's like the "isekai" animes from my country." Said the japanese representative.

"Thank you for your intervention and we look forward to meet the diplomatic delegation from the Lomor Empire." Said the secretary.

"Yes but for now we have planned a first meeting near the portal's entrace at the 10 of october." Said the italian.

"We will also broadcast this meeting live on tv and it will be an historical moment." He continued.

So, after that statement the meeting ended and the representative went back to their respective countires.

"God, I think that every power in the world will want to take a piece of the resources present in the other world. I hope that this will not bring WW3 upon us." Tought the italian while flying back home.

"No country is truly innocent and we all know the human nature but let's hope that peace prevails and that both worlds learn from each other." He continued thinking.

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