Chapter 41: The Coup

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End of April 2027, Rocam, Imperial Palace.

"Your majesty. Our spies reported that a battle between Earth and general Grivorius's army happend about 1 week ago." Said a captain of the Imperial Guard.

"What? Did Earth decide to attack us?" Asked Rotar The First.

"No, it seems that Grivorius rebelled and decided to attack without an order." 

"Did he go crazy or something? And what about my son?"

"We haven't heard anything about him yet."

"I hope he's safe and that he didn't partecipate in the attack. Anyway, try to find more about what happened. Grivorius has always been loyal and so it's so strange that he rebelled aganist his country. I'm also worried about Earth's reaction to being attacked because the vassals' armies are all stationed along the border with the Solat Continent." Ended the emperor.

"Don't worry your majesty. The empire will be in good hands but not yours." Said the guard.

"What are you saying captain? Are you trying to betray me? Guards arrest this man!"

Then some guards arrived and pointed their muskets aganist the emperor.

"You called for help but nobody came... " Said the guard (let's see how many of you will catch the reference).

"It's treason then... If you want to play I will play with you." Said the emperor while preparing his sword.

He then used magic to increase his speed in order to avoid the muskets and started to par with his enemies killing some of them.

"Father!" Yelled a girl's voice.

"Mara!" Yelled the emperor.

A man then showed up with a flintlock pistol pointed at the daughter's head.

"Surrender if you don't want her to die." Said a guard.

But before he was about to surrender some flames started to appear burning the enemies.

"Senir. Glad to see you alive!" Said the emperor.

"I also brought Setor with me." Added Senir.

"Let's get out from here your majesty." Continued Setor.

"Mara come with us!" Said the emperor.

She compelled and nodded with her head.

"Your majesty. The situation is dire! The entire capital is at war and the men of your armies are fighting each other!" Said a loyalist Imperial Guard that ran towards the group.

"Where is my family?" Asked the emperor.

"We don't know but you have to go out from here ASAP before the rebels get you." 

"I'm not a coward and I will rescue them before teaching those assholes a lesson." 

He then joined forces with some loyalists and started to fight his way towards his wife and his other daughter's bedrooms.

"Fireball!" Yelled the emperor while burning some enemies with his magic.

"Earthquake!" Yelled Senir while making part of the floor break in order to kill the enemies.

In the meantime Mara was protected by Setor and used some healing magic to cure some of the wounds of her allies.

The entire palace was a battlelfield and gunfire could be heard everywhere. Also, a cannonball shoot by outside the palace almost hit the group breaking some of the walls.

Then, after an infinite amount of time they reached the destination that was protected by some loyalists.

"Your majesty. You're here for the grace of the gods !"

"We were almost defeated but we managed to protect them."

"Father don't believe them! They are lying!" Yelled Sefy.

"You bitch!" Yelled a "loyalist".

Then the princess was slapped angering her father.

The emperor, Senir, Setor and the real loyalist fought hard but enemies keeped coming from everywhere.

"My barrier is almost at its limit. If they continue using explosive spells we will soon die!" Yelled Senir.

"Surreder now or your family will die!" 

"I will count from 10 to 1."


"I surrender. You won." Said a defeated emperor.

"Senir, Setor. Drop your weapons."

"But sir!" They yelled.

"It's an order. We have lost. The Empire is doomed."

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