Chapter 28: Family Meeting

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Lomor Empire, the same day...

"Father. You said that my brother has finally returned back home? I can't wait to meet him." Said the princess.

"It has been so long and a lot happened since he joined the army."

"Your little sister and your mother would want to hear about Earth too." Said her father.

(Don't worry guys. This prince is not like Zorzal from the GATE anime).

A little later, Royal Palace's dining room.

"Big brother Stefanus. I missed you so much. How are you?" Said Sefy.

"Fine. The army is no joke. I've been training everyday both in swordsmanship and in magic." 

"However, this is ok because I have to be strong if I want to protect my country."

"But now sister I want to hear about this other world that it seems to be called Earth."

"At first I didn't believe in that story but everyone seemed to confirm it..."

"I was stationed near the border with the Morsor Kingdom so I hadn't the chance to hear a lot about what happened."

"Big sister. I want to hear about the other world as well." Said a little girl.

"I'm curious too my precious daughter." Said the empress.

So she started explaining...

"The Earth is anything I have ever seen. The don't have magic but their technology is simply amazing..."

"Towers as tall as mountains. Horseless carriages..."

She then explained a little bit of Earth's history and geography.

"What! A war that caused 60 millions deaths! Is that even possible?" Yelled the prince.

"Big sis. That is a very scary world." Said the second princess.

"However now their world is more peaceful." Replied Sefy.

"But that "democracy thing is dagerous." Said Stefanus.

"I know but like I said to your sister, I will make sure that our rule will not be compromised..." Stated the emperor.

"Anyway, you will soon meet the earthlings because in a while an embassy will be build..." Sefy said.


"My lord. It seems that the ancient device we have discovered had done something." Said a troll.

"What are you saying creature?" Replied a mysterious figure.

"Our spies reported that the device had opened what it seems to be a gate to another world."

"In the capital of the Lomor Empire everyone is talking about that..."

"It also seems that the civilizations in the other worlds are more advanced than ours even thought they don't seem to know magic..."

"Interesting... We have to find more about them." Said the figure.

"We might have the chance to create chaos and to finally destroy the human world."

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