Chapter 49: The Siege of Castir Part 2

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Castir, the same night.

"Hostiles, coming this way!"

"Roger that, ready to engange." Shouted a soldier squad while fighting a fierce house to house battle with the city garrison.

Lomor Empire's POV.

"I have many wounded and many casualties. Where the hell are the healing mages?" Shouted an elite captain.

"No idea, sir. Every mage avaliable is already engaging these strange machines of them." Replied a soldier.

"Need some help, noble warriors?" Asked a voice.

"What are you kids doing? This is not a playground." Scolded the captain.

"We are nobles of the empire and sons of the best generals and warriors. We can manage ourselves." Replied a student.

"Do as you wish brats! I warned you." Shouted the captain.

Earth POV.

"Got him! Another one added to my list." Shouted Enric Tyler, a US army sniper while aiming his M110 sniper rifle to another enemy from the city wall.

"More hostiles coming this way!" Shouted a scout that gave him the targets' location by radio.

"Roger that. Cover me!" Shouted the sniper.

But his shots were deflected by an invisible shield.

"Shit! Another of these motherfucking mages... Wait, are those children?"

"You, filthy barbarians. You dared to invade our land? To steal our resources? To rape our women? You will all pay!" Shouted one of the "kids".

Luckly he understood everything thanks to Valentinia's spell and could reply.

"Are you academy's students? Go away. We have no business with you." Shouted Enric.

"Fireball!" Shouted a student.

The attack missed and angried the sniper.

"Shit! All right, you wanted this..." Said the sniper before swapping to his M4 assault rifle and starting shooting.

"Barrier!" Shouted another student.

"I need reinforcement ASAP!" He said while retreating.

"This is Tango Green! I'm under attack by magic casters. I need more men or air support." He shouted on his radio.

"Tango Green, all air support his already busy elsewhere. A rifle brigade is arriving to help you in 2 minutes. Hold on!"

"Fuck!" He yelled while starting using grenades to slow down the enemies.

Meanwhile, adventurers' guild..

"This is an edict of his grace the Chamberlain. Every adventurer is required to join in the battle aganist the otherworlders. The reward is 5 golden coins." Shouted an emissary.

"Wait? The earthlings are attacking? They didn't seem hostile." Said Gilerta, the elven archer that the first Earth team met.

"It's strange... Maybe they changed idea?" Replied Leonio, the other adventurer that the Earth team met.

"So, why did they wait for so long?" Asked the elf.

"I don't know... Maybe the needed to gather intelligence first. They don't have magic if I'm correct." Replied the swordman.

"Let's get out from here and investigate the situation." Whispered Gilerta.

Meanwhile, academy's dormitory.

"Do you wish for some more tea mylady?" Asked a maid.

"No, thanks Yumille." Replied a noble young girl while playing with her fan.

"What do you think about this night's events? Mylady." Asked again the maid.

"For the moment we will wait and see. Let's see what these otherworlders are capable of."

Her name was Lady Lucilla Yangstom, a transfer student from the Salsir's Magic academy in the Restal Kingdom. She was the daughter of one of most influent nobles in that kingdom and a strong magic user (and one of the most beautiful ladies over there).

(imagine not mine)

(imagine not mine)

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Meanwhile, Castir's central square.

"Cazzo, ho finito le munizioni! (Fuck, I'm out of ammo)." Yelled an italian "Folgore" soldier while he was shooting with his ARX-160 rifle.

"Ritiriamoci! (Retreat!)" Shouted his captain.

In the air...

"This is Bravo-1. We've encountered a heavy magic presence. They are shoting fireballs and summoning lightinings. Flying has become dangerous." Stated an apache pilot.

"Bravo-1. Keep firing. IFVS are on the way but the street are too narrow and they're being late because of this."

"And thinking that a carpet bombing could wipe them in a minute." Thought the pilot.

"But we would kill a lot of civilians and we can't do that." He finished thinking.

Meanwhile, Lord Selfrud's palace.

"Good night!" Stated a Spetsnaz soldier while killing a guard with a silenced rifle.

"Let's continued moving! We have to find the dungeon and free the court."

"Some CIA operatives infilitrated there are on the move too, they will help us." Stated another Spetsnaz.

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