Chapter 1: Lost in Another World

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It was the year 2026 and the nightmare of the Covid - 19 pandemic was only a memory. The world economy was still rebuilding but there were still global tensions in Ukraine, Korea, Afghanistan, Syria, ... 

Capeccio, Lazio region, Italy, sunday 16 august 2026, 8:00 am.

Capeccio is a small town in the Apennine mountain chain in the Lazio region that has 400 inhabitans. This town is known mainly for the nearby forest that is a popular hiking place. 

Two people, a guy and his girlfriend were enjoying their time in the forest when they suddently noticed that the trees were different. They immediately tought that they probably got lost and started panicking. When they started finding a way out they saw a strange thing in the sky that flew over their heads and that thing seemed like it went out from a Lord of the Rings movie.           

"Oh my God, it's a dragon!" Said the guy.

"I think we are starting to see things, it can't be true!" Said the girl.

"If it's not real why are we seeing the same things?" Replied the boyfriend.

The decided to not argue anymore on the question and to keep finding a way back home.

After a time that was perceived as an eternity they met a medieval like village.

"First a dragon and then a medieval village, then what? A Hobbit and Sauron?", said the man.

"Maybe they are like the Amish, let's try asking directions." Replied his girlfriend.

They approached a villager that was dressed like a middle age peasant and tried talking to him. He seemed surprised by the two strangers and when they asked him questions he replied with an unknow language.

"He doesn't speak italian and his language doesn't sound like a dialect." Said the guy.

"Let's get out from here." Replied the girl.

They tried to thank the villager and went back in to the forest.

After a few hours the spotted a strange thing...

"Oh my God, it's a goblin!" The guy said in surprise.

"So, we are not in Kansas anymore (Wizard of Oz reference)." Replied the girl.

"Let's try to hide and to not make any noise." Said the boyfriend.

After a long time they somehow managed to go back to Capeccio (it was around 8:00 pm) where they told their story to everyone but they tought they were joking and laughed at them.

"Tomorrow, come with us and you will see." Said the guy.

Monday, 17 august 2026, 9:00 am.

A group of  curious Capeccio inhabitants followed the couple when they reached the same spot where the couple got lost and, after a closer ispection, they noticed a stange transparent curtain that could be easy not be seen. After crossing it they noticed a goblin in the distance: they just discovered a portal to another world.

"So, do you believe us now?" Said the girl.

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