Chapter 55: Fortunate Son

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Usol Mountains, 2 hours later.

"My Lord, it seems that the enemy is planning the final attack. We already lost almost all of our artillery placed at the walls and the mages won't be able to use their magic properly without sufficient food. They reached their limits and our gunpowder and ammunitions are about to run out." A panicked soldier explained to Lord Selfrud.

Note: using magic consumes a lot of energy that is replenished by eating and properly resting.

"Keep Calm Gilbert, we have repelled them for many months and we will do it again!" The lord shouted towards the exhausted soldiers hoping to boost their low morale but in vain.

Meanwhile, Solat Alliance's camp...

"Crossbowmen, aim! Fire!" Shouted a general of the Castor Republic's army.

His country had no musketmen and instead relied on its strong crossbowmen that are very similar to the ones that were used by the italian states during the renaissance (*medieval 2 total war intesifies*).

(image not mine)

The sudden volley brought massive casualties to the lomorian ranks and in the dark of the night many cries of pain could be heard

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The sudden volley brought massive casualties to the lomorian ranks and in the dark of the night many cries of pain could be heard.

"Incoming fireball from the enemy trebuchet!" A lomorian soldier shouted before succumbing to the attack.

"It's over! I see many enemy torches coming towards the walls. It's the final push!" A scared mage shouted while holding his head with his hands.

"We will fight to the last man standing! Fire!" Lord Selfrud ordered to a group of musketmen.

The volley shot from the soldiers killed many enemies but many more were coming...


"Base Omega, this is Raptor-1. We are approaching the Usol Moutains, over." An Eurofighter Pilot stated.

"Roger, Raptor-1. Go in formation and wait for the signal."

"Understood, going into battle formation and waiting for orders." 

After some minutes the planes completed their formation and spotted the battlelfield.

"Base Omega, we are seeing the enemy forces. Doing some flybies and waiting for orders."

*Fantasy world's reactions*

"What the hell are those damn thing? Are the other worlders's machines?" A Frenic kIngdom's soldier stated.

"Keep calm, our wise king had already allerted us. We have prepared something for these new enemies." A Restal general explained.

"Earthlings... Did you come to help us or to the help the enemy?" Lord Selfrud shouted towards the italian Eurofighter.

*Flashback, 2 weeks after the fall of Castir*

Lasiette, Restal Kingdom's capital. Royal Palace.

Lasiette, in the Restal Kingdom was the jewel of the kingdom with an uncanny resemblance to the Paris of the 18th century. The nobles' palace were magnificent and a masterpiece of architecture but despite that, hidden from the nobles thanks to a wall that divided the city in two, there was a very large slum where poverty reigned and people fought over a small piece of bread while the nobility hosted large parties and played political games.

"Your majesty, I bring news from Castir." An envoy stated while bowing in front of his king.

"You might rise. What news do you bring, young man?" The king: Edgard II, an old man that was nicknamed "the wolf" because in his youth was a very able general that enlarged the kingdom to the current state.

"It seems that Duke Yangstom's daughter has some news that may be interesting for our cause..."

"Are those about the otherworlders?" The king replied.

"Yes, they occupied Castir where she is currently studying thanks to an exchange program between our magic academy and theirs."

"I'm astonished that they didn't kick her out when the war broke out." Edgard stated.

"One of the academy's rule is to keep politics away and this silly rule had benefited us. She was also able to keep in touch with us thanks to her contacts with the criminal underworld..." The envoy explained.

"So, does she say something more?" The king asked.

"It seems that the attack on Castir may be part of something bigger. The city's lord is currently commanding the defending army in the Kamar Fortress. They also rescued his daughter that was being held captive by the chamberlain. Now they patrol the city while she acts as a regent for her father." 

"I will sent and envoy to our armies in the mountains. Just in case..." The king stated.

"Ha, I almost forgot. This is a report about the earthlings's capabilities observed by her during the Castir siege. You might have seen something during the embassy accident..."

*Flashback ends*


"Base Omega, we are being engaged by enemy dragons. They are starting to breath fire. Also, the Solat Alliance's mages are launching some explosive spells in the air as to imitate an AA gun." One pilot stated.

"Raptor-1. Weapons free."

Then the Earth's airforce started to use its cannons and air to air missiles to destroy the enemy "airforce".

After the job was done, it was the A-10 Warthog's turn to shine and it dealt with the ground forces.

The A-10's GAU-8 machine gun with its characteristic sound (*BRRRTTT*) and its missiles decimated the enemy the lines despite the mages using defensive barriers.

The "battle" continued for a while and the first artillery volley was about to hit the enemy formation to provide cover for the Folgore paratroopers that were about to land inside the Kamar Fortress to rescue the VIP Lord Selfrud when a strange animal noise could be heard...

Then a large flying creature could be seen in the distance: it was a werid mix between a Kaiju from the Godzilla series and a dragon and it was very hard to describe.

"What the hell is that?" One of the pilots cursed while below, in what remained of the Restal Kingdom's army after the attack, one man maniacally laughed.

"Gentlement, I introduce you to our strongest weapon. A curtesy of the ancient civilization. HAHAHAHA!"


Ps: if you are wondering how Earth managed to transport planes through the portal: they disassembled them and then riassembled them after they reached their destination.

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