Chapter 46: A New Era

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One Month Later, July 2027, secret underground facility.

After securing the ancient laboratory, many scientistis from all over the world joined the scientific team that was order to dig deeper into the secrets of that structure.

Obviously, the entire operation was kept secret to the public and only the governements of the countries involved in the expedition (and their allies) knew about it.

Professor Giovanni Rossi and many others great physicists and engineers were trying to discover the secrets of the technology that created the wormhole and genetic engineering that made "magic" possible.

"I think that the ancient civilization might have used a dark matter engine to create the portal" Stated Giovanni.

"If we reverse engineer that we would be able not only to build a spaceship that travels FTL but also to resolve the energy problems of our planet in no time."

"We will also become a type one civilization in the Kardašëv Scale and maybe find the "Theory of Everything" that unifies relativity and quantum mechanics." Ended the professor.

"I don't think that the oil companies would be happy with that professor." Stated a colleague.

"They will adapt, like when the diesel engine made the steam engine obsolete during the Second Industrial Revolution." Replied the italian professor.

"Nothing will stop the progress and the well being of humanity. A new era will start!" He yelled.

"Only a thing startles me..." 

"How the fuck did a civilizations that hasn't reached the industrial revolution activate the device?" Asked the same colleague from before.

"I think that someone might have discovered it by accident. The instruction for the activation of the dark matter engine are written in the language of the civilization that built this place and I think that the process isn't very hard to understand." Explained Giovanni.

"The world's best linguists are working on the translation restless."

"Why no one has considered asking a native for help? Like that wizard Senir. He might know something about that language.

"I don't know... The things in the Lomor Empire are weird... It seems like a coup happened and the emperor and the imperial family was killed or imprisoned. The best spies in the world are working on it right know but that's all I Know. Everything is being kept secret." Explained the italian professor.

"They are also working on rescuing the foreign minister from my country that was kidnapped during the meeting with the prince."

"Do you thing that the culprits are the same that activated the portal?" Asked the colleague.

"Maybe. There's a high probability."

"For the moments let's continue our job as fast as possible."

Meanwhile, surroundings of Castir.

"Bravo One, do you recive, over?" 

"Bravo One, loud and clear."

"Hostiles at eleven o' clock, permission to engage, over."

"Green light. Permission granted."

Then a silenced sniper shot hit a lomorian guard and a SEAL team advanced closer to a enemy warehouse where some Lomor Empire's armors could be found.

"Now some CIA operative will retrive them and infilitrate Castir together with the others already inside. This time the goal is to find out more about the war between Lomor and the Solat Alliance. We will need to make contact with Lord Selfrud if he is alive. We need his help to find out more about who might have staged the coup." Explained the SEAL commander.

"His daughter Cassiria is still in the palace and her friend Valentinia is a strong magic user. We will also need the CIA to make contact with the operatives inside the magic academy."

Meanwhile, Rocam, imperial palace's dungeon.

"You ruined my empire, who the hell are you anyway? Are you a delusioned noble that wants my throne? A spy from the Solat Alliance?" Shouted an angry emperor.

Then a figure from the shadows emerged.

"You are, you are..." Screamed the emperor.

"My name is Xander but you better know me as the "demon lord"." The figure spoke.

"You can't be real. You are only a fucking legend." 

"As you see, I'm very real. My race was always treated badly since the collapse of the ancient civilization but now we will have our revenge and our time to rule. You don't know the suffering that my ancestors had to endure and that forced us to hide "Mr. Emperor"".

"When the ancient war ended we were very different from the rest of the intelligent species so the elves and the humans were always scared of us. So, they hunted us and created rewards for every demon killed." Explained the demon lord.

"But now everything will be different and you will be the spectator to the collapse of both continents in the war that is currently going on."

"Even the humans from the other world will be destroyed, but not my me but by themselves. I sent a spy when you dear daughter went to Earth, a special insect that had a spell placed that recorded everything. I know about the weapons of that world and that they would kill themselves in order the have the resources of our planet. They created an alliance in order to prevent that but it's very fragile."

"And when this world will be collapsed I will obtain the ancient technology and rule both planets. I will also travel to other continets in this planet and dominate over them."

Then he left leaving the emperor astonished while some guards were about to arrive in order to torture him for the sadistic pleasure of their master.

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