Chapter 9: The Academy of Magic Part 1

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Imperial Academy of Magic, Castir.

Valentinia and the italians were standing in front of a large gate that was opened. Beyond that gate there was a large building that looked like mansion and that building was the Imperial Academy of Magic.

At the time of their arrival in Castir seven hours have already passed since the crossing of the portal and it was already lunch time so the students were heading to the school's cafeteria.

"I'm starting to feel a little bit hungry. We crossed the portal at 6:00 am and now it's almost 2:00 pm." Said Lucia Bianchi.

"By the way Valentinia, how do you measure time here in the Lomor Empire ? I noticed that when we talked about years and hours you didn't react." Lucia said again.

"A minute is 60 seconds, an hour is 60 minutes, a day is 24 hours and a year is 365 days." Valentinia said.

"So, it's exactly like Earth." Said colonel Solini.

"Do you have months too ?" Said Giovanni.

"Yes, we have a calendar divided in 12 months and the starting point of it is 4000 years ago." Said Valentinia.

"We have a 12 months calendar too but the starting point of our calendar is 2026 years ago because an important religious figure called Jesus or Christ was born around that time and so we say BC (before Christ) and AD (anno domini or after Christ's death)." Said the historian Sandro.

"Instead, we set the starting of the calendar 4000 years ago because it's said that around that time there was a war so terrible that the civilization changed forever giving birth to the empire and the other kingdoms." Explained Valentinia.

"However, nothing it's know about that war and how the world was before it. Only the gods know." Continued Valentinia.

"Do you believe in multiple gods?" Asked Lucia.

"Yes, there are a lot of gods: war, love, death,... The strongest of them is Limir, the gods' king". Said Valentinia.

"The religion is a very important aspect of the Empire and the Church holds a very important role in the Lomor Empire." She finished explaining.

"Since you started the topic... I'm very curious about Earth's religion and about that men called "Christ"." Continued Valentinia.

"We have a lot of religions on Earth but the main one is called Christianity and it worships an only omnipotent god that as a son called "Jesus" and that came on Earth in a human form." Explained Lucia.

"This is a short explaination for it and if you will ever visit Earth I will explain you better." Said Lucia.

"Ok, back on the main topic, in this world is lunch time too and currently it's the 29th day of 9th month of the imperial calendar." Said Valentinia.

"It seems that our worlds are strangely synchronized because also on Earth it's the 29th day of the 9th month of the calendar." Said colonel Solini.

"A very strange occurence." Said Giovanni.

"Anyway, let's go inside the academy and don't worry about people's glances towards you because I will say that you are foreigners visiting the academy." Said Valentinia.

So, despite the students looking at them because of their weird attire they continued heading in direction of the academy's entrance when the saw a beautiful girl with black hair coming towards them.

"Valentinia, I missed you. Were did you go ?" Said the girl.

"Oh, it's a really long story... Anyway, let me introduce you to her highness Sefy Palamos, the first princess of the Lomor Empire." Said Valentinia.

"It's a pleasure to meet you your highness. My name is Luca Solini and we come from a land called Italy." Said the colonel.

"The pleasure it's mine. I have never heard of a country called Italy and I'm very good in geography..." Said Sefy.

"Oh, because it's not in this world." Said the colonel.

"What do you mean ?" Said a confused Sefy.

"I will let them explain." Said Valentinia.

So the italians explained everything: the portal, the other world, the fact that there is no magic there and why they were wearing face masks.

"Incredible! So the rumors about strange metallic birds and people with weird clothes that spoke with a villager in the Selos Forest are true..." Said Sefy.

"Yes, they were the first people to ever come to this world because they were walking in a forest near Capeccio and they accidentaly crossed the portal." Said Luca Solini.

"We also did some test on them to see if there were some traces of radiations or some dangerous microorganism but the results were all negative." Said the medic.

"We hope that the viruses and the bacteria here are not dangerous for us and that the ones on Earth are not dangerous for you." Continued the medic.

"Changing topic, Valentinia said that the court's wizard, Senir, might know why the portal opened and its origin and we hope that we will soon able to meet him." Said Giovanni.

"When I will go back to the capital Rocam I will tell him about the portal and I will see if he knows something." Said the princess.

"Thanks a lot you highness. Your help will be very appreciated by us." Said the colonel.

"Anyway, we want to meet Lord Selfrud, the lord of this city. Do you think it will be possible to meet him?" Asked the colonel.

"Yes, but he isn't very trustful. But maybe his daughter Cassiria will be able to convince him." Said Sefy.

"In this moment she is in the girls' dorm. I will go there and call Cassiria so you will be able to speak with her." She continued.

"Thank you again for you help your majesty." Said Luca.

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