Chapter 27: Going Back Home.

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The UN meeting was the last stage of the Earth's visit and before going back to Italy in order to cross the portal the delegation stayed in New York for another day where they finally asked the reason behind the stange lights that were everywhere and so they learned about Christmas.

15 december 2026.

In this day, the lomorians finally crossed back into their world after having said farewell to the people that guided them on Earth.

17 december 2026, Rocam, Lomor Empire.

"Father. I'm back." Greeted the princess.

"Sefy. My dear daughter. I missed you a lot." Replied the emperor.

"So, how was the Earth like?"

"It was incredible father. I saw two of their cities, Rome, the capital of Italy, and New York, one of the main cities in the United States of America, the strongest country in their world and an italian ally." Answered the princess.

"So, Italy is not the strongest country?" Said the emperor.

"No but is part of very wide alliance called the NATO that has the USA in it." 

"We also learned their world's history and in the past they were not so much different from us: they used swords and shields and built castles." 

"The main difference is the absence of magic, as you already know, but their strong science compensates for it."

"They even have some weapons that could destroy cities in seconds called "nuclear weapons"".

"The main powers of their world are at peace because they could destroy each others without anyone winning."

"Is this even possibile? Even the strongest offensive magic could barely destroy a castle with an earthquake." Said a surprised emperor.

"Yes. We saw some "moving pictures" that showed their power." She said.

"May Limir save us." Said the emperor.

"The good news is that they only want to trade and find out more about our world and our magic." Said the princess.

"They don't seem to seek war." She continued,

"I see. And what about their governement? How are they organized?"

So the princess explained the concept of democracy and how many countries on Earth are organized with that system.

She also explained The American Revolution and The French Revolution, the events that started everything.

"It's a different a world but these ideas could be very dangerous if not controlled and left to spread." Said the emperor.

"I will kept the earthlings under control while they are here. I don't want them to ruin my country and my rule." He said.

"Ah. One last thing. During a meeting with an assembly called the UN, that is made by almost every Earth country, the Earth agreed to build a shared embassy protected by armed guards." Said the princess.

"I will allow them to use an building as their embassy but I will be strict about the number of armed guards that will be allowed there." He replied.

"Thank you father. I will soon reach Castir and report this news to the Earth scientists present there so they could do something about it." 

"Ah, one last thing before you go. Your brother, the prince, is waiting for you. He had a permission from the army so he could be there to see you." Said the emperor.

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