Chapter 62: Battle Aganist the Demon Lord Part 2

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Earth FOB

While Earth's special forces were confronting the demon lord the UN Security Council was discussing Coppelli's plan and after a short consultation they went back online...

"General Coppelli, is this our only avaliable option to save our men and Rocam's civilians?" Italy's prime minister stated.

"Yes, a MOAB won't be enough. We need something stronger and that is sure to completely destroy the enemy forces." He replied.

"Very well, we will allow it but be sure to not allow any civilian casualty or you will take the full responsibility for every innocent life taken because of your strategy. Are you still convinced?" The politician said.

"Absolutely." Coppelli firmly stated.

"Very well, the B-52 will soon be above the target (in about 15 minutes). The pilots will await your order to drop the bomb."

Meanwhile, throne room.

"I am Lord Enric Manoli, I used to serve the emperor but now I have a new master. I was sick of his arrogance and ungratefulness after all those year of service. Xander promised me to become his largest vassal when he will conquer everything. This is what I truly deserve."  The noble stated before casting a powerful beam of energy that killed one soldier.

"Shit, we have to retreat a regroup with the other team. Base-omega, we're oscar mike. The enemy is too powerful." The team leader explained to the base operator.

"You wish!" Xander shouted before surrouding the room with a wall of fire that trapped everyone.

"Shit!" The team leader cursed while shooting with his M4 rifle towards an enemy guard.

Outside of Rocam...

"The orders are to redirect the enemy towards north. We will be joined by some friendly forces. We will have to keep the distance between us and the pursuing enemy forces because the general wants to drop the nuke." A tank crew commander shouted.

"WTF! Is he crazy?" The tank gunner replied.

"The nuke will have the same power to the one used during WW2 in order to avoid civilian casualties but we will have to avoid the blast. Let's go, I have an idea..." The commander stated before ordering to the other tanks in the area to start attacking the enemy and then to retreat.

Then, Leopards 2 tanks, Challenger, T-90, Type 99, Ariete, Leclerc, M1 Abrams and Merkava tanks started shooting towards some golems and enemy soldiers while some AA vehicles protected them from enemy dragons.

"Shoot and retreat, keep moving. Let's make them follow us!"


"They are retreating! They won't get away so easy... I bet my lord will easily beat the forces still inside the city but me and my army will have the duty to purge the main otherworlders force away." Yord said.

"Forward my men! Let's kill them! No mercy!" He shouted and his men started charging towards the Earth forces.

Unfortunately, some Earth soldiers were caught in the charge and were killed by some unicorns' horns that impaled them but they didn't go down so easily and they managed to kill some enemies with their granades and rifles.

Dungeon's gates, imperial palace.

"Shit, that motherfucker is angry as hell." An indian MARCOS stated while watching Setor using is sword to literally "divide an enemy in two".

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