Chapter 3: The Contact

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Earth, Capeccio, monday 21 september 2026, 8:30 am

It was almost the beginning of autumn but despite that the weather was very warm. Some engineers were completing the preparations for some long-range drones in order to explore the world beyond the portal. These drones were capable of flying 5 km high in the sky and they had good autonomy.

"With these beauties we will be able to find out more about what lies beyond the portal", said the chief engineer.

Kharn Continent, 9th month of the year 4000 of the sacred calendar , Lomor Empire, Selos Forest.

 4000 years passed since the sacred war that according to Kharn and Solat's legends gave birth to civilization as it is now. Lord Selfrud was relaxing in his palace in Castir where he managed everything from taxes to his personal army. His territory included Castir and the Selos Forest with its villages.

Castir was the second biggest city in the empire with 700 thousand of people and it was the place where the Imperial Academy of Magic was located.

"My lord, I bring news from the Selos Forest!" Said a guard.

"So, soldier, what do you want to tell me?" Replied Selfrud.

"There are rumors from the villages in the Selos Forest that strange metallic birds are flying around the area and a villager from one of the settlement when he was selling in Castir's marketplace started to speak of an encounter with two people that spoke a strange language and that wore very odd clothes." The solider said.

"Send some adventurers from the Adventurers' Guild and offer a reward for those who will find something." The lord replied.

"Yes, my lord. " The soldier politely said.

Earth, Rome, friday 25 september 2026, Chigi Palace.

Chigi Palace was the place where the italian governement resided and the engineering team that sent the trones and other experts were talking with the Prime Minister and with the Minister of Defence.

"We explored a bit around the portal and what we saw was a very big forest with some villages and near the exit of it we also saw a glimpse of what it seemed a very large city that had a medieval/renaissance look." Said the chief engineer.

"I think it would be a good if we start an exploration in order to make a first contact because we will be able to meet another culture that would be fascinating to study." Said Lucia Bianchi, an anthropologist .

"We could assemble a team of engineers, linguists, biologists, medics, anthropologists, physicists and historians." Said the prime minister.

"Don't forget soldiers!" Shouted the defence minister.

"Oh, you are right and we have to give to the team the necessaries preacutions in order to avoid potential diseases." Replied the prime minister.

"We could quarantine the team and study if there are lethal viruses and bacteria in their bodies after they return to Earth." Said again the prime minister.

"Ok, let's start setting the team." Said the defence minister.

"I know some friends from the university and they are very good in their jobs." Said Lucia Bianchi.

"So, it's time to start the operation and we will report the results to the NATO, the EU and the UN because the international community is starting to make a lot of pressure:  they want to know better what is going on here." The prime minister said.

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