Chapter 20: Learning Earth's History Part 3

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University "La Sapienza". 11 december 2026.

"General Napoleon Bonaparte rose to power in the beginning of the 19th century and founded a revolutionary empire." Explained Sandro.

"The revolution first brought a costitutional monarchy, then a republic and in the end an empire".

"Despite being an emperor, Napoleon chosed generals basing on meritocracy and not by their noble birth."

"He was a military genius and after conquering almost all of Europe he tried to invade Russia but then winter came..."

"In the end he was defeat at Waterloo and exiled but the ideas of the French Revolution were too widespread to be destroyed..."

"Many countries were forced to concede constitutions and feudalism was definitely extinct."

"In the second part of the 19th century nationalism became widespread and the Germany and Italy were unified after being divided for too long."

"Germany was unified by Prussia and Italy by the kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont."

"In 1860 AD Giuseppe Garibaldi with 1000 volunters arrived in Sicily and then he enlarged his army with more volunters."

"He joined forces with the Sardinia-Piedmont kingdom and in the year 1861 AD Italy was born as a costitutional monarchy."

"In the meantime in the USA a civil war was going on between the South and the North because the first wanted slavery to be accepted but the latter rejected it."

"The Union (the north) won and slavery was banned in the USA but racism continued in the south towards black people till the 1960's."

"Black people in America came from Africa and were brought there as slaves by the british back then."

"The second part of the 19th century also saw great innovations and electricity and a vehicle called train became widespread."

"During that time the asian nation of Japan also rose the power after being isolated in a feudal state."

"So we have reached the beginning 20th century where airplane and car became common."

Then Sandro showed the lomorians a picture of brothers Wright's first plane and of Ford's model T car.

"Amazing! You have machines that can fly. We will go to America with a thing like that?" Asked Valentinia.

"Yes, but obviously the one that we will use is more advanced." Said Giovanni.

"We usually use dragons, gryphons and wyverns to fly but it's not easy to fly them." Said Valentinia.

"I would die to ride one of them." Said Giovanni.

"Anyways, let's continue the lesson. Shall we?" Said Sandro.

"We have arrived to the year 1914 AD where tensions between european powers were very high that anything could start a war."

"In this year the heir of the Austrian Empire that at that time was called Austria-Hungary died by the hands of a serbian nationalist and that caused a war that brought two alliance to fight: the Central Powers and the Triple Entente."

"The Central Powers Alliance was composed by Austria, Germany and the Ottoman Empire while the Triple Entente was composed by Russia, France and the United Kingdom."

"Italy also joined the war in 1915 AD in the Entente side in order to recover some italian territories that were still in austrian hands."

"We call this war World War 1 or the Great War and many new weapons came to the battlefield like the tank, the submarine and the airplane."

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