Chapter 37: War and Peace

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Capeccio, Italy,  April 2027.

One month has passed since the attack on the embassy and during this period of time no attempts of crossing the portal was made by neither side.

Nato remained on high allert during march while in the other world the emperor was investigating on the corruption case that involved his army in order to find the instigator of the attack but without finding anything.

It was only on april that a diplomatic convoy decided to cross the portal escorted by special forces units.

The convoy was composed by the Italy's foreign minister, a Nato representative and a UN one.

After crossing the portal they were met by some units of the Imperial Army led by Prince Stefanus that were there "just in case".

These units belonged to the emperor because neither of his vassals decided to send some of their men to help him to guard the portal.

They chose instead to send their men to the Usol Mountains at the border with the kingdoms of the Solat Continent that wast indeed a more real threat.

Cleary, a signal of an empire that was collapsing in terms of political unity.

The army guarding the portal was composed by 100 mages that belonged to the lower nobility, 200 musketeers, 100 archers, 100 knights, 10 cannons, 300 infantrymen, 10 orcs, 20 elven archers, 10 beastmen (dogmen, rabitmen and dogmen) and 10 dragon riders.

For a total of 860!

"Nice welcoming party you got there, Lomor Empire." Said the italian minister while muskets were pointed at him.

Meanwhile, the italian GIS were ready with their rifles too.

"Calm down everyone! They don't seem to be there to attack. I'm Prince Stefanus Palamos and you?" Replied the prince.

"I'm Italy's foreign minister your majesty. I met your sister Sefy. She is a very pleasant person." Replied the minister.

"Indeed she is! I'm proud to be her brother." He replied.

"But enough with the pleasantries. Why are you earthlings here?" Asked the prince.

"We want asnwers about the attack that happened one month ago. Many innocent people died that day and almost every nation on Earth, even countries that are rival, are determined to find who caused the attack and even ready to use military force to use it!" 

"I know the US President showed you the terrible weapons that we have on Earth. You don't want them used aganist your people, right?" Said the minister with a little sadistic smile.

"Crazy bastards! I know they are angry about their people but have they gone mad?" Tought the prince.

"My father is doing everything in his power to find the culprit and many trials are being conducted right now in order to find him." He replied.

"But we haven't find anything yet, sadly." 

Some days before...

"Have you used the temporary memory deletion spell?" Asked the demon lord while enjoying his tea?

"Yes, the people we have corrupted and threatened won't be able to confess even if the cruelest torture method was used aganist them." Replied a servant.

"Excellent. Let's start with the phase 2 of our plan..."

"Yes, my lord." 

Xander, Demon Lord (Image not mine).

Xander, Demon Lord (Image not mine)

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The present, ....

"I'm sorry to hear that your majesty. So, if the culprits are still to be found I would ask to withdraw your army from the "border" with my country. I don't want any surprise because many civilians are living in Capeccio and in the area." Asked the minister.

"Wait? If we do that will you attack us?" Asked the prince.

"We would have already attacked a long time ago if we had wanted it." Answered the minister.

"We are far more advanced than you, with more population and a better economy. You may have magic but we have Ariete tanks." 

"I'm afraid that I cannot withdraw my men without talking with the emperor." Said Stefanus.

"I will give you an ultimatum of 1 week. If you don't that we will be forced to use military force to secure the other side of the portal. We swear, of course, that we won't attack and seize any city, village and castle of your empire." Said the minister.

"We will only build a military base managed by the UN around the portal to provide more security to my people."

"This is an insult! The earthlings could not do that to our empire. Men, attack!" Said a general.

"General Grivorius. I was made commander of this army and I order you to stop the attack immediately!" Said the Prince.

"We will not listen to the coward imperial family anymore! For the empire!" Yelled the general.

"Ah shit, here we go again." Said an Italian GIS while preparing to shoot some enemies.

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