Chapter 47: Infitrating the Academy + Politcs and Stuff

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Earth, july 2027.

The situation back home was not the best because many lesser countries started protesting because they weren't allowed access to the gate with their militaries.

Many of them were african countries like Chad, Ethiopia, Mali, ... but also many smaller asian countries like Mongolia other than many others in the world like Switzerland.

The north koreans were the angriest ones because not only their military but also their scientists weren't allowed access into the gate and they only hoped that their friends China and Russia would sneak their discoveries and resources of the other world to them.

These countries protested strongly and were feeling like "B series countries" because they were not part of the G20 or didn't have a strong military influence and started protesting in their embassies all over the world.

Luckly, they were calmed by the UN General Secretary that explained that the base could not afford to host every country on Earth's militaries and that the sharing of knowdlege about the other world should be enough to them.

Castir, beginning of August 2027.

Since the start of the campaign, many spies, trained to speak the lomorian language with a native accent, infiltrated in the magic academy in order to better observe the magic threat that the locals could manifest.

They disguised themselves as janitors and garderners with fake background stories to backup their cover.

The operatives were from all the countries involved, mainly from CIA (USA), FSB, GRU (RUSSIA) and China.

This was the designated day where they had to report to some CIA operatives disguised as guards in a inspection.

"This is his grace's guards. We are here because we had a report of a thief hiding in the school grounds. We'll have to talk with everyone here." Shouted a "guard".

After a while, the fake guards had a chance to speak with a CIA operative.

"I have a report of magic duel. You will see a list of abilities that I saw."

"Thank you agent, you are dismissed."

The agents had also the chance to speak with Valentinia but before that a doubt entered in their minds.

"Are you sure we can trust her?"

"I don't know, but we need a local. She also went to Earth and is a friend of the princess and of the lord's daughter."

"I think we are forced at this point."

Then they spoke with the redhaired girl and explained who their were.

"What, the emperor was overthrown? How do you know about that?"

"We have operatives in the imperial palace."

Then they showed her a video recorderd inside the palace by the operatives there that showed a conversation that brought the topic of the captived emperor.

"I hope the princess is fine." Said a worried Valentinia.

"She might be in the palace's dungeon with her family."

"If you care about her you will have to join with us. You family lives far away and will not notice that you are not in the academy anymore. We'll also bribe the headmaster and he will invent a lie if anyone notices you absence."

"Don't worry, I have no friends besides Cassiria and the princess in the academy and almost no one will notice." She stated.

"It sucks to be a commoner in a snob academy." Stated an agent.

"All right, let's get out from here as quiet as possible"

Then they managed to sneak out of the academy and to reach the gates of Castir where some Spetnaz soldiers managed to take down the guards that would have been troublesome to deal with (questions about guards escorting a student of the academy).

In the surroundings of Castir a helicopter was waiting for the team and it would have taken them to the Earth base.

"Phase 1 completed, now we'll have to find out about the lord. I hope that he didn't go with its army fighting the Solat Alliance. Valentinia doesn't know anything about the war (she only knows that the army was sent patrolling the border with the Solat Continent) and if the vassal kingdom finds out about that they would probably rebel."

Meanwhile, a classified location.

"I won't talk even if you continue torturing me for years." Shouted the captured commander that was guarding the ruins (chapter 45).

"Our world has developed many torture methods over the years and even if it's "immoral" we will continue to use them." A figure spoke with a microphone hidden by an obscured mirror.

"When we will finish you will pray to be in hell because it we will be better than this."

Then the torture continued and the screams became louder and louder.

"When you will tell about your boss and your goals you will be released from the pain or do you want us to continue?" Spoke the same figure while a masked man did things that would be to disgusting to describe.

"I won't talk. If my lord finds out about my betrayal he will kill my family!"

"We'll protect them. Tell everything!"

The commander had a doubt for a moment but it seemed that more torture was needed but it was almost time for his surrendering.

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