Chapter 2:The Portal

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When the Capeccio Inhabitants entered into the portal they managed to not bother the goblin and to take a picture of the creature. After they left the portal they started spreading the news all over the town and more people came to see the strange phenomenon (it was the 17 of august so people had holidays).

Soon, the news of the discovery started spreading all over the Internet and many people  believed that it was a joke in order to make Capeccio more famous. So, to see if it was all true or a lie more people came to Capeccio and entered into the portal noticing the change in the enviroment around them (also, someone saw dragons and wyverns flying around).     

People started to believe in the existence of the portal and the police and the governement started patrolling the area.     

After becoming famous in Italy, the news became gloabally widespread in a matter of days and by the end of august the Internet went crazy and memes about the event were widespreading.

Weebs, anime (in particular isekai) fans and nerds were overjoyed and comments like these on Reddit and other forums were the norm:

"So, I will be finally able to meet my elf waifu or a cute princess!"

"Dragons are real and maybe magic too? Awesome!"

"This reminds me of the anime Gate Jietai and of Outbreak Company"

In the end Capeccio became the most important place in the world and to contain the horde of tourists that came from all over the world the italian army was sent to patrol the portal

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In the end Capeccio became the most important place in the world and to contain the horde of tourists that came from all over the world the italian army was sent to patrol the portal. Also, a team of international scientists was invited in Italy to investigate the strange event.         

At the start of september the Prime Minister of Italy (the Presidente del Consiglio) spoke to his people along with Italy's Head of State (the Presidente della Repubblica) officially announcing the existence of the portal to the international comunity.

"My fellow italians, we have recently discovered a portal that leads to another world that could be set in another planet or in a parallel universe. The scientists have analyzed the atmosphere and they have concluded that has a similar composition to the Earth one. The gravity is also very similar and from the reports of the couple that saw the new world for the first time on the 16 august of this year the technology of that world is medieval and, despite the similarity to Earth, it is inhabited with creatures that seems to came out of a fantasy book like dragons and goblins. There seems to be humans on that planet and in the next days we will be trying to make a first contact with them. The portal is 5 km wide and 1 km tall and the scientists cannot explain his nature but they theorized that it is what is called a "wormhole", a space/time hole that links two places togheter even if they are far away. They are a part of the Einstein's Relativity but with current technology it is impossible to create them. Before going beyond the portal we will make sure that no disease from that world comes to Earth and we will be doing research to possible viruses and bacteria that could be dangerous: we don't want another pandemic. The eyes of the world are on us and we could see the most important event into history of mankind, goodnight to everyone and may God bless you all".

Here it's the second chapter, give me a feedback on my writing (it's my first story) and I hope you liked it. In the following days I will be busy with work but I will try to write during free time. In the following chapters I will write about the fantasy world noticing the portal and his reaction.

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