Chapter 34: The Embassy Battle Part 2

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Earth's Embassy, the same day...

"Keep firing! We have to evac the civilians and the VIPS from here ASAP!" Said a US Marine.

"There are more enemies coming!" Said a russian Spetnaz.

"In the name of Allah we will kill them!" Said and iranian Quds (their special forces).

They then started advancing towards the enemies while firing their rifles.

"Don't let them come closer to us! They have a huge advantage in close combat thanks to their swords and armors!" Said an italian soldier.

"Earthquake!" Said an enemy mage.

"Shit! Here we go again and this time the spell is stronger" Said a chinese soldier.

In fact, the spell was so strong that opened a hole in the ground right under the earthling 's feet killing some soldiers.

They were the first military casualties of the Earth in the other world.

"Motherfuckers! Give them hell!." Yelled a US Navy Seal.

He then fired a grenade with his M4 grenade launcher carabine killing the enemy that was causing the earthquake and many others.

"Shine (die)!" Yelled a JSDF soldier while firing his Type 89 assault rifle.

"We will avenge our comrades!" Said a russian soldier while firing his Kalashnikov.

But then the enemies casted another barrier.

"Not again! Assholes!" Cursed a US Marine.

"Frag out!" He yelled.

Then some grenades exploded and they were able to break the barrier.

"Quickly" The building is still on fire and is collapsing because of the earthquakes!" Said a german soldier.

"We are about to end the EVAC and some locals are helping us." Said a indian soldier.


"For the queen!" Yelled some Morsorian soldiers.

"Archers, fire!" Ordered a captain.

"I will join the fight too!" Said the queen.

"No, you have to get out from here your majesty!" Said a soldier.

"I can fight better than you! Fairies lend me your power!" She said.

Then some fairies started dancing around her and she started glowing with a weird light...

"Fairies's judgement!" She yelled.

Then a flash went towards some enemies making them dead.

Raclea, queen of Morsor (image not mine)

"Cosa cazzo era quello (WTF was that)?" Said an italian GIS

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"Cosa cazzo era quello (WTF was that)?" Said an italian GIS.

"It was one of the otherworlder VIP." Said a UK soldier.

"So this is her power...It's so scary!" Said Valentinia.

"Guys. Let's show our power too." Said Gaspo, the dwarf King of Frenic.

His guards then started shooting with what seemed to be some breech loading rifles.

"The dwarves seems to have some 19th century tech." Said a secret service agent.

The dwarves started advancing while protecting themselves with a magic barrier during the reloading process.

Despite all that the enemies didn't retreat and intensified their fire with their muskets and crossbows.

"Charge!" Yelled the king of Nostor and then some viking like soldiers started attacking the enemies with their axes while their wizard were shooting some accurate fireballs towards the enemies.

"Magic armies and modern ones together aganist one enemy." Said the US president that was about to exit the building using the rear exit.


"The nobles and the civilians are almost out of here." Said Sefy.

"Let's keep extinguish the fire then." Said Valentinia that in the meantime arrived to help her friend.

But then an enemy wizard arrived behind them using teleportation magic...

"If I capture her and ask for a ransom I will become rich and quit working from that shitty boss." He said.

"Sefy, behind you!" Said a voice.

Then a sword pierced the enemy figure killing him.

"Setor, father,... You saved me." Said sefy.

"Where are my wife and Mara?" He said.

"They are there. Giovanni, the others and some Earth soldiers are protecting them." She replied.

"Thank you Limir!" The emperor said.

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