Chapter 45: The Ambush

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Guys, sorry for the long wait but I was very busy with my job and I also had to find the inspiration.

Solat Forest, somewhere underground.

"Boss, the humans from the other world have found the ancient ruins." Comunicated a figure using telepathy while being invisible with its magic.

"Then, we'll have to kill them and destroy this place. I know it may be the key to understand the ancient civilization but the earthlings cannot have it. The Lord would agree with me." Stated the commander of the demonic garrison.

Then the Demon Lord's minions started killing some guards thanks to their invisibility.

"Something is wrong, I can feel it." Stated a US marine before seeing a corpse.

"We're under attack. All men be ready to fight!." He shouted to the radio before being killed with a knife on the neck.

"They managed to stay hidden! Thermal viewers on ASAP!" Shouted a german sergent.

"Now I can see some of the enemies! There are a lot of them! Defend the scientists and the ancient tech!" Ordered colonel white.

Then gunfire started echoing everywhere and, given the closed space where they were (narrow tunnels), the enemy could win the battle thanks to magic.

"Fireball!" Yelled an enemy elven mage while setting some soldiers on fire.

"Transmutation!" Chanted another mage while turning himself in a terrifying beast.

"That's new." Stated an italian soldier while shooting his rifle killing the mutated enemy before it was to late.

"Everyone regroup and set  defensive positions to your sector." Stated Colonnel White.

Then  Earth's  soldiers created  human walls that vomited large volumes of fire to anyone foolish enough to approach them.

The enemy mages tried their "invisible shield" spell but the soldier were now used to them and knew of to counter them.


The commander of the demon lord's garrison watched in horror while his men were decimated thanks to the earthlings's muskets and bombs and shouted: "If I have to die I will go all out. Relase the beast!" Shouted to the remaining soldiers.

Then, a mage relased the chains that were holding a large troll that was equipped with a magic renforced armor and its steps echoed all around the structure.

"Mierda! Fire at the motherfucker!" Yelled a spanish soldier.

Then the defensive wall in the "portal generator" room started firing with their weapon and throwing their granades but the beast seamed unfazed by them.

"Retreat!" Yelled a US soldier before a mage killed him while using the beast as a shield.

Despite the beast and thanks to some brave men' sacrifice, the two groups of Earth's soldiers managed to merge and decided to launch a counteroffensive lead by russian Spetnaz, US Navy Seals and Green Berets.

"Let's concentrate the fire to the less armored part of the beast!" Stated a russian Spetnaz soldier.

Then they started the set up of their heaviest machine guns (like the M2 Browning) and started firing to a spot in the beast's arms that was less protected.

The barrage of heavy caliber projectiles inflicted heavy damage to the beast and made her so angry that she started losing control and attacking its allies.

"Perfect! Continue firing while it's distracted." Stated colonel White.

After that, heavy fire started intensifying and the soldiers started spamming granades untill the beast fell dead.

"We're fucked! Xander will kill me for my failure." Cursed the commander before being knocked down by a bullet in the leg.

"Give up! You're surrounded." Yelled a chinese soldier.

After the battle the Earth coalition built another base near the entrance to the ruins and more engineers and scolars from our world came to study the technology and the history of the ancient civilization.


"My Lord! We lost contact with sector Thea. Maybe the Earthlings have seized it." Stated an advisor.

This enraged Xander that was usually very calm.

"Curse them! I will have my revenge upon them but first let me check the situation on the border with the Solat Kingdoms. I have an idea..." Stated the lord.







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