Chapter 8: Castir

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Lomor Empire, near the gates of Castir, 29 september 2026.

The earthlings and the lomorians had finally arrived at their destination and what the saw was a large town surrounded by walls.

"It's really like they said: a town that seems to have come out from an history book!" Said the historian.

"How will we manage to enter into the city? There probably will be guards to watch over the gate and they will not trust strangers wearing weird clothes." Said colonel Solini.

"And they will see your strange muskets and be very suspicious of you." Said Gilerta.

"It really seems that this world apart from magic, fantasy creatures and some differences it's like the renaissance back on Earth... They even have muzzle loading muskets as I discovered speaking with Leonio!" Said again the historian.

"Maybe I have a solution... The chief of the guards owes me a favor and maybe I will be able to let you pass." Said Leonio.

"Good idea! Go and speak with him." Said colonel Solini.

Some time later...

"I bring good news: you will be able to pass without any questions and I told the guard that you are foreigners that come from an isolated comunity in the Masal Kingdom and that your clothes and face masks are traditional ones. However, you will have to leave your weapons in the vehicles."Said Leonio.

"Ok, but I will have my soldiers carry pistols hidden in their clothes for safety reasons." Said the colonel.

"The civilians will come with me along with 4 soldiers and the natives while the others will stay here to protect the vehicles." Ended the colonel.

"I can't wait to see the culture of this world!" Said the anthropologist Lucia Bianchi.

Castir, some minutes later.

The earthlings were amazed to see the town of Castir in first person because to them it looked like to have time travelled 500 years into the past.

The town was full of people living their daily lives and there were not only humans..

"Wow! Are those people with cat ears and tail? Now it's really an isekai." Said Giovanni.

"I would be curious to study how evolution made them having both cat and human features." Said the biologist Matteo Rubini.

The medic nodded in approvation to Matteo's affirmation.

"I am very surprised that we could also understand what it's written all around the city as if months of studying had been simply impressed in our minds in mere seconds." Said the linguist Anna Mattei.

"He, he... Science is awesome but magic has some tricks that could astonish people." Said Valentinia.

"However, this spell is very hard to learn and only the best students in the academy have managed to successfully learn it." Ended Valentinia.

"So, I suppose that only few wizards know how to use it. Right?" Said Anna.

"Yes, you're right." Answered Valentinia.

"So, perhaps if our worlds will manage to start diplomatic relations it would be useful to study your language in order to not having to use the translation spell everytime." Ended Anna.

"Maybe you are right but this is a topic for the future." Said Valentinia.

"Where do you want to bring us? People are starting to look at us thanks to our clothes and face masks." Said Giovanni.

"I would like to bring to lord Selfrud but first I need to make you visit the academy of magic because I want to introduce you to my friends Cassiria, Lord Selfrud's daughter and that could help you to meet him, and to princess Sefy." Said Valentinia.

"I wanted to wait to tell them about you but I changed my mind and I can't wait to see their reaction when they will know that other worlds exist." She continued.

"First she is skilled with magic despite being a commoner then she is friends with powerful people. She would be a good anime MC." Said Giovanni.

"What does MC means?" Asked Valentinia.

"Mc stands for "main character", the protagonist." Explained Giovanni.

"The isekai protagonists are usually overpowered and they often die thanks to a truck, a vehicle like the ones we used before, that hits them in order to reincarnate in another world or they often are summoned to another world to fight a "demon lord"." Said again Giovanni.

"The funny thing is that we might have a demon lord." Said Valentinia.

"Really!?" Screamed Giovanni.

"Yes, maybe it's only a story created to scare children but we have a rumor that a "demon lord" is building an army in the Solat continent in order to generate chaos." Explained Valentinia.

"Ok, this isekai is becoming more cliché every time..." Said Giovanni.

Valentinia didn't asked what cliché meant but she laughed anyway (note: the translation spell sometimes has issues with the translation of foreign words used in a language like the french word "cliché" that is also used in italian).

"Anyway, it looks like we have arrived to the academy. We have some things to do and we will meet later near the lord's castle in about 3 hours". Said Leonio and Gilerta.

"Ok, let's see this famous "magic academy." Said Giovanni.

(of course, the image is not mine)

(of course, the image is not mine)

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