Chapter 36: The Aftermath of The Battle.

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Rocam, Earth's Embassy, a few minutes later after the battle.

"Where are my brother Stefanus and Senir?" Asked Sefy.

"They were fighting the enemies. They are very strong so I was not very worried." Replied the emperor.

"These earthlings are something! They were able to destroy the magic barriers that usually require an artillery strike in order to defeat them." 

"Yes, I also saw their history and the numerous wars they fought. I hope they will not blame our empire for what happened!" Added Sefy.

"What happened today is unacceptable! I heard some of the attackers were memebers of my army! There must be a case of corruption within my empire! I will soon start the investigations."

"I also showed my country's weakness to my enemies in the Solat Continent and the other lords. Unacceptable!" 

Rotar was usually a very calm and rational man but this time he lost the composure.

"Calm down father! I'm a friend of the earthlings and I will try to talk with them!" Said Sefy.

While they were talking the delegations of the other countries of the fantasy world were leaving Rocam.

"This is what my enemy's security looks like? What a joke..." Said Raclea to her guards.

"Maybe the Lomor Empire is not as strong as I thought but these otherworlders.... They are very strong and possess very advanced weapons..." 

"But they are mortals like us and a very placed spell can kill them like that earthquake offensive spell." She added.

"I only hope that they will not use those "nuclear weapons" that that madaman called "the US president" was talking about." 

"I'm very interested in their weapons too... I have managed to develop some muskets that can be reloaded in seconds but their guns are in another level..." Said the dwarf king.

"Let's hope that the earthlings will go to war with empire and that we will not be the ones blamed for the attack." He continued.

"Yes, this may be the time for the fall of the Lomor Empire." Said the queen.

"And after its defeat there will be the final war to decide who will rule both continents." He finished.

"But for the moments let's stay "friends"." She added.

"Yes, yes. Of course "your highness"."

Meanwhile the earthlings were about to leave Rocam in order to board the helicopters that would have the task to bring them neart the portal.

"When I will go back to DC I will have to talk to the american people." Said the US president.

"I will have to talk to the italian people too and reinforce the military presence near the portal." Said the italian PM.

"This terrorist attack will be punished and the mind behind it will be captured and punished!" Added the US president.

"Our countries will help too. I know we are not in a very good relationship but our soldiers died too." Said the russian, chinese and iranain leaders.

"Maybe for once almost all Earth will be united aganist a common enemy?" Thought the italian PM.


"My fellow americans. Yesterday, 26 febraury 2027, a day that will live in infamy. Our country was cowardly attacked my some terrorists that killed some brave US soldiers and many innocent civilians. My prayers go to their families and I will assure all of you that they will be avenged.

We went to the other world hoping to trade and spread our knowdlege with them, in peace, but we only found death and war. 

The Lomor Empire was the one that had the task to provide the security to our meeting but they failed. Some investigations are starting and we will bring the terrorists to the justice.

May God bless you and The United States of America."

Rome, Italy, the same day, Chigi Palace.

"Italian people. Almost a year ago our country had the privilege to host the first wormhole in human history that gave us the gateway to another planet with intelligent life on it! 

We visited the other world hoping to find knowdlege but only death awaited for us.

Yesterday, a terrorist attack runined our peaceful meeting with the countries behind the gate.

Many good people were killed yesterday and we are collaborating with our NATO allies and the UN to bring the culprits to the justice.

I hope that the friends of the Lomor Empire will cooperate and that peace and justice will prevail."

(North Korea, that tried to take advantage from the chaos by making its troops advance near the DMZ, in the end retired its soldiers seeing the US DEFCON 2).

Many speeches were held by other countries and many wanted the NATO article 5 to trigger in order to attack the other world.

Russia, China, Iran, Israel,... were eager to partecipate in the invasion too in order to avenge the attack.

"Israel and Iran fighting in the same side. Unbelievable!" Commented the italian foreign minister.

"Everyone is eager for war and many of our people want it too." Commented the PM.

Meanwhile The Pope tried to call for peace saying:" War never solves anything. It only favours few people but makes many poorer."

Despite all that the Italian Army was ready near the portal with a military base built in the Capeccio town.

The base hosted more than 6000 soldiers, 50 Ariete tanks, some Mangusta attack helicopters and some Eurofighters.

The base also hosted some US, german, french, british, turkish and spanish soldiers that were ready to support their NATO ally.

There were rumors that the russians and the chinese wanted to bring their troops in the base too but the NATO refused to give them military access.

There was still a chance for peace and that was in a delegation that would soon cross the portal and meet the emperor.

"Our C.I.A operators are still in the area and they learned the language so they don't need any translation spell." Said the US president.

"My F.S.B are there too. Let's hope that they will find something while the delegation talks with emperor." Replied the russian president.


"My lord. The attack triggered some hostilities between Earth and Lomor. The other countries are also planning an invasion in case of a war between The Empire and Earth." Said a Kalus, a vampire high officer of the demon lord's army.

"Perfect, all according to my plan." Said the demon lord Xander.

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