Chapter 54: Planning the Next Moves

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New York City, november 2027, UN Security Council.

After everything he had  discovered, the italian general had to report all the details to his superiors and after some days an important meeting was held in the UN building.

General Coppelli and some scientists and engineers (Including Mr. Rossi) explained everything they found out about the ancient civilization and the origin of magic.

"We already suspected that the magic was not supernatural in its origin but now we have the proof." Explained Giovanni Rossi.

"I can't say that our governement also secretly picked some samples of DNA from the other world's inhabitans or the people here would become crazy." Coppelli thought

"Thank you Mr. Rossi. Now that you know  everything I have a proposal for everyone present here..." The general stated.

"Given that the Lomor Empire is seriously in danger: at war with the Solat Alliance, its capital occupied by a "demon lord" and the vassals in the process of revolting I propose to support the imperial army barricaded in the Usol Mountains' forts. If we don't it the entire region will fall into chaos and anarchy with everything that goes with it. Earth's interest could be at risk."

"But this will be an act of war aganist the Solat Alliance. They didn't provoke us. What will the public opinion think of that?" The french representative stated.

"I don't fucking care! We will make sure that the entire operation will stay hidden from nosy reporters just like the ancient civilization thing... Sorry for the bad language but this situation has got me very annoyed..." Coppelli shouted.

Then the entire UN council started whispering...

"All right, let's vote the proposal." The general secretary stated.

Two weeks later, Earth's FOB, Lomor Empire.

The entire Earth's airforce in the region was supplied with more aircrafts: Eurofighters, A-10 Warthogs, SU-35s and many more were ready to battle the Solat Alliance. Also, many transport planes were delivered there and 2 more runways were built in a record time.

"According to our intelligence Lord Selfrud of Castir has repelled another assault to the fort he is in but he has lost 90% of its men and the next assualt will be the decisive one for the alliance." Coppelli explained to the pilots and soldiers that were chosen for the operation.

"Our enemy has the air superiority in the region and the dragons, gryphons and vywerns of the Lomor Empire present there have already been wipen out. If the Kamar Fort falls the Solat Alliance's army will be free to attack the imperial lands and I bet that the vassal armies would join the party too... We will have to win in a decisive way!"

"Don't worry man, we will scare the shit out of them with some good old firepower!" An american pilot shouted.

"We have already fought magic many times. Nothing can scare us now." An indian soldier stated.

"Right, "magic"." Coppelli whispered to himself (only a few people in the base and the world governements knew the truth about magic).

"Did you say something, general?" A soldier asked.

"Nothing, let's continue with the planning: we will firstly gain air superiority and then parachute some men inside the fort to reinfornce it. Then, we will have to gain contact with lord Selfrud and inform him that his family and town is safe. Then, our artillery that is already in position will open fire to the enemy formation and our assault helicopters will deliver the final blow."

Later, evening of the same day...

Valentinia was observing the earthlings' militaries leaving the base when Giovanni Rossi approached her...

"Where are these soldiers going? Will the save my home or will they proclaim themselves our new masters? I know you better now. I spoke with some soldiers during my stay here... I met russian, american and israelian veterans that partecipated in the most recent wars in your world (Iraq, Ukraine, Palestine, Afghanistan). The things they saw were unspeakble and not so different than what the empire and the alliance did. Your world may be more "democratic" but the core is the same... I taught everything I knew about magic as a sign of trust to your leaders but did I make a good choice?" She told Giovanni.

Hearing this Giovanni said nothing and joined the girl in watching the planes taking off from the runways.

(Image not mine)

Meanwhile in the occupied Castir the Earth forces were busy in keeping the order and as a sign of goodwill they appointed Cassiria as a regent while her father was away

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Meanwhile in the occupied Castir the Earth forces were busy in keeping the order and as a sign of goodwill they appointed Cassiria as a regent while her father was away. She spoke from the palace's balcony and reassured the population that the otheworlders were only waiting for her father to return with his army. She also explained that the chamberlain was trying to usurp the throne that was given to Selfrud form his majesty as a loyal vassal and that the earthling were allies, not enemies of the Empire.

"Father when will you return to me?" The girl said while crying.

She was in her balcony watching the late autumn stars (the sun was also visible in the immense sky, 50 light years away) when a fast light crossed the sky: it was one of the jets heading toward the battlefiled.

(Image not mine)

(Image not mine)

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