Chapter 16: Visiting Earth

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Intro: thank you for all the readings (it's my first story and so it makes me happy).

Near the portal's entrance, sunday 11 october 2026.

Like they said, the two worlds' diplomacies  arranged another meeting the day after the public one but this time preparations were made in order to make sure that no undesired guests arrived: the army was patrolling the perimeter around the portal and a no fly zone around Capeccio was estabilished. Also, Italy's secret services (Servizi Segreti Italiani or SSI) were present in order to detect potential spies of other countries or organizations.

Italy's delegation was composed by Italy's foreign minister and by Italy's defence minister while the Lomor's delegation was composed by Lord Selfrud and Lord Enric. The UN was also present with the same observer that spoke at the meeting of the previous day.

The two delegations arranged some deals about the trade of goods and they also managed to conclude a deal about groups of scientists that had the permission to go to the new world and study it despite being monitored 24/7 by the empire's guards as a condition. Lord Selfrud and Enric also tried to buy some Earth weapons but they were met by rejections because the trade of weapons is, in theory, "regulated" by strict laws.

The UN representative also arranged that the scientists that would have to go beyond the portal would have been not only italians but of various countries in order to not make Italy obtain the control of all knowdlege about the new world.

In the meeting it was also estabilished that a diplomat from Italy would have to be present in the empire's capital; that a the team of scientist that should have observed the magic academy could go there because the lord obtained the permission from the principal; that in 2 months a delegation from the Lomor Empire would have to visit Earth and speak in front of the UN to  better decide with other Earth's countries what to do with the new world.

Two months later, 10 december 2026.

During the following 2 months, trade finally started and Earth's finest restaurants served Lomor's food and dishes like "dragon meat with mushrooms" started to appear in the menus. The doctors were also very busy because they had the task to quarantine everyone who came back from Lomor and the microorganism they found in their bodies were the same ones that are on Earth: common cold viruses, influenza, ... There also were microorganism that were almost eardicated on Earth like the bacteria of the"Black Death" and so the doctors proposed to spread antibiotics to the Lomor Empire.

The medics tought that the fact that in a different world the microorganism were the same was very strange but the other world was in fact too similar to Earth: almost the same calendar, same gravity, one moon, ... The only main difference was magic and some species like dragons and demihumans. For these strange things some scientists started thinking of the other world like a parallel version of Earth set in another universe.

Leaving aside the speculations, the main consequence for these studies was the fact that now the earthlings could go to the other world without face maks but trying to keep social distancing where possible.

During the two months, Italy and Lomor arranged a date for the visit to Earth: thursday 10 december 2026.

In the morning of the visit near the portal's entrace Italy's delegation was waiting for the guests to arrive when the other world's representatives arrived.

Italy's delegation was composed by the "original team" (Giovanni, colonel solini, Lucia Bianchi, ...) and by Italy's foreign minister while Lomor's delegation was composed by: Valentinia, princess Sefy, Lord Selfrud, Lord Enric, Cassiria, the bodyguard Setor, the elven maid Lisaria and the butler Rudolph Martic.

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