Chapter 5: The Adventurers' Guild

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Castir, Lomor Empire, one day before the expedition of the Earth team.

Castir's adventurers'guild was a place where brave people could receive quests that ranged from killing monsters to escort convoys. The adventurers are paid by the lord himself or by private citizens (it depends from who created the quest) and when the situation becomes too bad the lord sends his personal army to deal with the problems (for example when the monsters become too many he sends the army and not the adventurers).

It was a very normal day at the guild and nothing exceptional seemed to happen, so the people at the guild were relaxing and drinking beer. However, suddenly, a lord's envoy entered into the guild's building and said:" His Grace, Lord Selfrud, has a new quest for you. Recently, people are talking about strange metal birds that are said to be in the Selos Forest. So, anyone who will finds something will receive 2 golden goins from the lord (1 golden coin = 100 Euros or 111 US Dollars )". After the announcement the envoy went away and soon groups of adventures started accepting the quest.

Imperial Academy of Magic, Castir, few hours later.

Castir's magic academy was the most prestigious magic school in the entire empire and nobles from all over the empire (and even from other countries) sent their sons and daughters studying there. If one has to compare the magic academy to a Earth's school it would be very similar to a university. 

Valentinia Rusolic was a commoner but very skilled with the special type of magic, one of the three type of magic. Despite being a commoner she showed very strong magic skills and she was granted with a scholarship. For her commoner nature she was often bullied by many nobles but being one of princess Sefy's friends she was often protected by her. She was also a friend of lord Selfrud's only daughter, Cassinia.

Cassinia's Photo:

(Image not mine)

Valentinia Rusolic had just finished studying when she heard two students talking

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Valentinia Rusolic had just finished studying when she heard two students talking...

"Hey, I heard the lord created a new quest at the adventurers'guild and the reward is 2 golden coins". Said one of them.

She was very interested in the conversation because with these money she could help her poor family and she decided to go the guild in order to know more.

Some time later..

Valentinia arrived at the guild and she was heading towards the reception in order to find more about the quest when she was stopped by two people: a boy and a girl in their 30's.

"Hey girl, you seems very young. What are you doing here?". Said the guy.

"Isn't that an academy's uniform? Are you a student there?". Said the girl.

"Yes, I'm here for the new quest. Could you two tell me more?". Said Valentinia.

"It seems that the lord wants us to find more about some strange metallic birds that are rumored to be in the Selos Forest". Said the guy.

"How rude of us. We haven't introduced ourselves. My name is Leonio and I'm a swordsman. The girl is my friend Gilerta and she is an elf archer".

"Nice to meet you. My name is Valentinia and I'm a wizard studying at the magic academy."

"So you must be a noble." Said Leonio.

"No, I'm a commoner despite being able to use magic." 

"Wonderful. It's very rare that someone who isn't a noble has magic skills". Said Gilerta.

"Why don't we do the quest together and form a party?". Said Leonio.

"Good idea, what type of magic do you use?". Said Gilerta.

"I use special magic and I'm quite good with healing spells". 

"Very good, do you accept the offer?"Said Gilerta.

"Why not? You two seems good guys so..."

"Let's complete the registration process then". Said Leonio.

Selos Forest, the morning after. Two hours before the arrival of the Earth Team.

"It has already been a day and we haven't found anything yet". Said Gilerta.

"Soon I will have to go back to the academy because today I have no classes but tomorrow I will". Said Valentinia.

"Wait, I found something". Said Leonio.

"It's like a very strange mist that is very transparent". He said again.

"Let's camp here for a while. Maybe the mist is somehow linked to the metallic birds". Said Gilerta.

Earth, few seconds before entering the portal.

"Remember: if will ever meet some locals you will have to wear face masks and mantain distance in order to prevent alien diseases". Said the team medic.

"Yes, we don't want things to end like the colonization of Central and South America". Said the historian.

Selos Forest, few seconds later.

"I hear a very strange noise". Said Valentinia.

"Quick, let's hide." Said Leonio.

Some time later.

"I can't believe it..." Said Gilerta.

"Horseless carriages?" Said Leonio.

"Very interesting" Said Valentinia.

Earth convoy's POV.

"Colonel Solini, we have crossed the portal". Said a soldier.

"Very well let's get out from the vehicles and set a temporary base". Said the colonel.

After everyone went out from the vehicles something happened...

"Xisoma maruda? Tenta loma xera?" Said a girl that seemed to be and elf and that came from behind a tree pointing a bow at them.

Leonio's POV.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Said Gilerta.

"Gilerta what the hell did you do? Have you lost your mind?" Said Leonio.

So, the two worlds have finally met. What will happen now?

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