Chapter 21: Reactions

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Hi everyone. I know that it has been a very long time since my last update but I have been very busy with my job and I also started working to a new story idea that I would like to pursuit (I would like to write both this story and that one).

Rome, Università la Sapienza, 11 december 2026.

The italians and the lomorians were silent in the university's auditorium after Earth's story was finished to narrate but everyone knew that it would have been only a matter of time before questions were aksed.

"I am speechless... You have passed from swords and shields to arrive to the Moon in less than 500 years..." Said Valentinia.

"The industrial revolution and the birth of the scientific method helped a lot." Explained the historian.

"We had a better life expectation thanks to that and that helped the population to grow in numbers" He continued saying.

"This greater number of people encouraged the birth of the mass production and of the modern factory." He explained.

"Also the world wars and the rivalry between the USA and the USSR helped military and space technology." He finished to explain.

"OK. Thank you for the explaination mister." Said Valentinia.

"I have a question." Said princess Sefy.

"Ok, go ahead." Said the historian.

"I am curious about that man called Adolf Hitler. How was he able to take the power in Germany?." She asked.

"He used propaganda and the anger of german people toward the Entente Powers that humiliated Germany in the Versailles Treaty." Explained the historian.

"First we started with printing press by Gutenberg during the Renaissance that made the spread of books easier and then we invented television and radio in the 19th/20th century." He continued.

"He ironically used methods that helped people to be more educated to manipulate them in order to follow him." 

"He blamed the jews for a lot of Germany's problems and used them as a scapegoat." He finished explaining.

"Uhm. Maybe the famous "printing press" that is rumored to have been invented may be more useful than i imagined." Thought Lord Selfrud.

"Thank you for explaination Sandro." Thanked the princess.

"You're welcome your majesty." Said Sandro.

"I have a question too." Said Lord Enric.

"Ok. Feel free to ask." Said Sandro.

"Why did the feudal system ended?" Asked the lord.

"The use of gunpowder made a knight vulnerable to well placed shots by a musketman that had less training that him and that helped the end of military feudalism and the birth of professional armies." Explained the historian.

"But it was only with Napoleon and the ideas of the French Revolution that feudalism started to really die." He finished explaining.

"Ok, thank you for the answer." Thanked the lord.

"I have to convince the emperor to recruit more musketmen in his army." Tought lord Enric.

"Any more questions?" Asked the Sandro.

No one replied to Sandro's question (in reality the lomorians had many questions in mind but it would have taken too many time to answer them so they decided to stay silent).

"Allright . If It's ok for you now I want to hear Lomor's history as well." Said Sandro.

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