Chapter 22: Lomor's History

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Rome, 11 december 2026.

"I would like to be the one to tell the history of my country." Said princess Sefy.

"It would an honor as the emperor's daughter." She continued.

"Ok. Thank you your majesty." Said the historian.

"The legends say that many years ago the gods created the world while Limir was guiding them."

"Elvens, humans, dragons, dwarves, giants ... Limir and the other gods created all of them and gave to sentient beings the gift of magic."

"From here to 4000 years ago things were confused and, like you already know, it's rumored that an ancient civilization ruled everything till a great war came."

"Now that I think, the weapons that the ancient civilization is rumored to have used in that war and that we believed to be magic were similar to the nuclear bomb used in Japan." 

"Very interesting. Could their entire world be a post-apocalyptic one ?" Thoght Giovanni.

"Maybe their magic could be the result of the mutations of their DNA."He continued thinking.

"After the war, the world was in ruin and nothing could be cultivated because the climate was too cold."

"Nuclear Winter." Thought Giovanni.

"But we rebuilt despite the lost of the ancient civilization and our empire started to rose to power."

"In the beginning, there were many tribes and among them there was the ancestor of our empire."

"We slowly conquered them with Limir's guide and our magic and with that our empire was born around 1000 years ago."

"We were also able to beat a tribe of giants thanks to our magic !"

"We were the conquerors of the Kharn Continent and we tried to conquer the Solat one."

"My ancestors also decided to make our empire a feudal one in order to reward the people who distinguished themselves in battle."

"They also decided to create the Masal Kingdom and the Principality of Kursov in order to reward King Masal and Prince Kursov who were the most loyal warriors of the Empire."

"They are vassal countries but with more power than a normal one."

"Going back to the conquest of the Solat continent, many wars were fought with the countries there and they ended forming a defensive coalition aganist our empire that created a "status-quo."

"Nothing changed for  many years and we arrived to 100 years ago when my great grandfather created the Imperial Academy of Magic in Castir."

"We also discovered gunpowder 100 years ago and tried to used it  to gain a military supremacy aganist the kingdoms of the Solat Continent but they managed to resist and they used their spies to copy that technology."

"Like when the USSR stole the atomic bomb from the USA." Thought Sandro.

"Not every kingdom of that continent has guns but the stronger ones do like the Morsor Kingdom and the Restal Kingdom."

"After the discovery of guns we also improved our  knowdlege with the discovery of our planet being round and orbiting a star and with many magical innovations."

"We developed many new spells and many more are being researched."

"We hope that magic and Earth's science could work together to improve the life of everyone."

"That's the end of the story of my country." Said Sefy.

"I know that it's not very interesting like the Earth one but I tried my best." 

"No. I think that your world and your story is very interesting and we might help you to fight the sea monsters that make you not discover the other continents." Said the historian.

"It could be a possibility but I think that sending our ships to the other side of the portal would be a logistic nightmare." Said the Colonel Solini.

"Not talking about the possible cost in terms of human lives.." He endend.

"It was a very interesting meeting and I'm glad that we learned each other's history." Said Valentinia.

"It was a pleasure for me as well." Said Giovanni.

"Ok everyone. Now we will head to Fiumicino's airport because we are going to America." Said Colonel Solini.

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