Chapter 12: Meeting with The Lord

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Castir, 15:00 pm.

Lord Seflfud was a middle aged man with grey hair. He was know as a very strict lord despite not being too despotic and violent. He only wanted to protect his rule and make Castir richer but for this he often went in conflict with the emperor because the latter wanted to centralize the empire and reduce the power of the feudal lords.

Because of this conflict with the emperor, he didn't approve his daughter's friendship with the princess but he did nothing to oppose Cassiria's decision because he loved his daughter a lot.

The lord was taking care of his business as usual and he would have never thought that the quest that he delivered to the adventurers' guild would have been so important in the history of the empire.

"My lord, some strange people with weird clothes and strange masks are standing near the castle's gate and your daughter, the first princess and a red heaired girl are with them." Said a guard.

"Cassiria is with them? What do they want?" Replied the lord.

"They say that they are people from another country that wants to open diplomatic relations with the empire." Said the guard.

"I know every nation in the Kharn and Solat Continent and all of them had at least one time diplomatic talks with the empire." Said the lord.

"I know but they say that they are from a country that no one has discovered called Italy." Said the guard.

"They also say that they aren't form this world but form another one called Earth." Continued the guard.

"Are the trying to mock me? I will execute them if so!" Yelled the lord.

"By the way, they caught my interest and I would like to meet them so you can let them in and have at least 10 guard pointing weapons at them in case they want to do something stupid." Continued the lord.

"If they came only to mock me I will have them exectued right now!" Ended the lord.

"Yes, my lord." Said the guard.

So the lord let the italians inside the castle while guards were pointing muskets at them.

"Cassiria, my beloved daughter! I'm really happy to see you." Said the lord.

"I'm happy to see you too, father." Replied Cassiria.

"Why are you together with such strange people. You could have got hurt." Said Selfrud.

"I know but I swear that they aren't dangerous." Said Cassiria.

"You know about the quest you delivered to the guild and about the strange metallic birds that people said were flying in the Selos forest?" Asked Cassiria.

"Yes." Said the lord.

"Well... You won't believe it but these people come from another world because a portal opened in the Selos Forest. They also are the ones that sent these "metallic birds"."

"They are called drones and we used them to scout the land beyond the portal." Said the engineer.

"Cassiria. Why do you believe in this bullshit? I thought you were smarter than this!" Said the lord.

"It's true. I saw the portal with my eyes when these people arrived in this world." Said Valentinia.

"By the way, your grace. I'm Valentinia Rusolic and I'm a friend of Cassiria and one of her classmates." She continued while bowing.

"We could prove that we are from another world, your grace. Let me show you this." Said Giovanni.

So he took his smartphone from his pocket and showed a picture of the Colosseum to the lord.

(image not mine)

"This is the Colosseum in Rome, the capital of my country

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"This is the Colosseum in Rome, the capital of my country. An ancient arena and one of the most important historical attractions in my world." Said Giovanni.

"This must be magic. You can't fool me." Said the lord.

"Feel free to verify, my lord." Said Giovanni.

So the lord started to check if any magic energy came from the device.

"No, this is not magic." Said the lord.

"So, do you believe us now?" Said Giovanni.

"I don't fully believe you but I will listen to your story without having you executed." Said the lord.

So the italians told the lord about the portal; the fact that the scientist of Earth couldn't figure it out and that magic was not real on Earth apart from fictional stories.

They also said that they didn't seek war and that the face masks were only for preventing diseases.

"If you open diplomatic talks with our country I'm sure that we could both learn form each other." Said the colonel.

"We would also like that a delegation from the Lomor Empire visits the Earth in the case we discover that the microorganism from here are not dangerous for us and the ones from Earth are not dangerous for you." He continued.

"Princess Sefy will be our connection with the emperor and we soon hope that diplomatic talks could begin." He continued.

"Maybe I could use the technology that italians have to make my position in the empire stronger." Thought Lord Selfrud.

"Ok, "italians", I accept to open diplomatic talks with your country but first I would like somone that sees the portal in person." Said the lord.

"Perfect, we will soon go back to Earth to report our mission to our leaders and so you could see our crossing of the portal." Said the colonel.

"One last thing." Said Valentinia.

"What about the reward for the quest ? My friends Leonio and Gilerta that discovered the portal with me would be disappointed if I didn't bring back the reward." She continued.

The lord let out a loud laugh and said: "I like you little girl. We were in the middle of something important and you talked about a reward."

"I'm a man of honor and I will give you the reward right now." Said the lord.

So he called a guard and had the golden coins delivered to Valentinia.

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