Chapter 24: The Big Apple

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New York City, USA, 12 december 2026.

The italians and the lomorians landed in New York and they were greeted by a US delegation made by some governement officers.

"Greetings. I'm Jack Johnson, an FBI agent, and I will escort you in your hotel." Said a black man.

"I don't want to be rude but I have never seen black man in my life." Said Valentinia.

"I get it... In the the Kharn and in the Solat continent the only humans look like europeans. Right?" Said Giovanni.

"Yes. We have elvens, orcs, ... but the only humans present are like the europeans you mentioned earlier." She said.

"Don't worry... Even on Earth there are still some people that judge others by the colour of the skin because they find it strange and that it's called racism." Said Giovanni.

"What are they saying ?" Said Jack.

"Oh. I forgot to cast my translation spell.." Said Valentinia.

She then chanted the spell and despite the skepticism of the americans she now was able to understand them and vice versa.

Then the delgation boarded some limousines while the FBI and the police escorted them.

While crossing the Brooklyin Bridge the lomorians were amazed...

"So that's New York? Amazing. I have never seen buldings so tall in my entire life..." Said princess Sefy.

"New York is one of the most important cities on Earth and is a major economic and touristic hub." Explained Giovanni.

"However, it's not as old as Rome." He continued.

"Many italians migrated in the USA after WW1 and WW2 because of the rumored "american dream"." Stated Sandro.

The delegation then went into the Ritz Hotel and after a visit of the city was arranged.

They visited Time Square, the Statue of Liberty, the Museum of Natural History, where they saw the skeleton of a dinosaur, and Central Park.

The lomorians were amazed when they saw the skeleton because it reminded them of their dragons.

After the visit the delegation went back to the hotel in order to get some sleep before the big day.

13 december 2026, New York City.

The big day was finally here. All the major tv stations were here in order to broadcast the intervention of the lomorians at the UN.

All Earth's countries were present with a representative and without doubt it would have been one of the most important meetings in the history of humanity because the delicate balance of the world was at risk.

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