Chapter 11: The Academy of Magic Part 3

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"Colonel, we don't have to be so in hurry to go to the lord's castle because I think that we should at least visit the academy before going to meet him." Said Giovanni.

"It's a rare opportunity to learn more about this world's educational system and culture." Said Lucia Bianchi.

"All right, we will have a tour of the academy but as soon as it ends we will go to meet the lord." Said colonel Solini.

"So, why don't you girls tell us more about this place?" Said Giovanni.

"The Imperial Academy of Magic is the best educational institute in the empire and many people from all parts of the empire come to study here (even people from other countries are here as students). The school isn't free but it offers scolarships for people that shows a strong magic potential and this is the reason why me, a commoner, can study here." Said Valentinia.

"In the academy we study the three types of magic that I explained earlier and one mage is more skilled in one particular type of magic and myself I'm an expert in the special type of magic." She continued.

"We don't only study magic here of course but also history, math, language, politics and alchemy." Continued Valentinia.

"Tell us more about this world's educational system. We are curious." Said Giovanni.

"Of course. A person enters into the academy when he/she is 16 years old and the duration of the studies is 5 years. The education before the academy is mainly "homemade" and the nobles use private tutors while commoners are educated by their parents mainly with the goal to teach them a job." Answered Valentinia.

"I had to attend 1 year long intensive course at the age of 15 in order to meet the requirements needed to enter the academy because I never had tutors like the nobles." Said Valentia.

"Given the fact that the nobles are the ones that mainly recive an education I suppose that many people can't read or do math. Am I right?" Said Giovanni.

"Yes, illiteracy is very common in this world." Answered Valentinia.

"Just like the Earth in the middle ages..." Said the historian.

"Ok, Valentinia. Thank you for the explaination." Said Giovanni.

"It was nothing... Now I want to know more about your education system." Said Valentinia.

"In our world, at least in the most developed countires, everyone has the right to receive a proper education and the schools are public." Said Giovanni.

"So this is why the people are able to chose their leaders... Because they all receive a proper education".

"Wait, you chose your leaders?" Said a surprised princess Sefy.

"Right, Cassiria and Sefy don't know about our governement." Said Giovanni.

So the italians explained their form of governement and concept of democracy.

"I don't think that many nobles would be pleased by the fact that such a thing exists." Said Cassiria.

"Believe me, we also used to have nobles in our world and the process for the democracy was very violent and many deaths were necessary to achieve it". Said Giovanni

"It was an event called "French Revolution" but I think we will explain it better in the future..." Said the historian.

"Let's start the visit to the academy. Shall we?" Said Giovanni.

Then the italians visited the academy even though many people glared at them. They were even stopped by some professors but Valentinia said that they were visitors from the Masal Kingdom and the princess supported her story.

"You know, this school reminds me of Harry Potter." Said Giovanni.

"Who is Harry Potter?" Asked princess Sefy.

"It's a series of books about a wizard that enters into a magic school called Hogwarts." Said Giovanni.

"I would read them." Said Valentinia.

"They are very famous on Earth and many people have read them." Said Giovanni.

"Ok kids, playtime is over. Let's go to meet the lord." Said the colonel.

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