Chapter 7: Cultural Exchange

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(Every image in this chapter is of course not mine)

Intro: other characters

Lord Selfrud De Marian (Lord of Castir): 46 years old

Lord Selfrud De Marian (Lord of Castir): 46 years old

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Gilerta Selar: age 30

Leonio Nemunor: age 37

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Leonio Nemunor: age 37

Selos Forest, few minutes after the meeting between the italians and the lomorians

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Selos Forest, few minutes after the meeting between the italians and the lomorians.

"How will we arrive to meet this "lord"?" Said one italian soldier.

"We could use our vehicles because I think there is enough space to carry the locals" Said colonel Solini.

"So we have the chance to try another world's transportation method? Awesome!" Said Valentinia.

Few minutes later everyone was inside a vehicle while the lomorians explained how to reach Castir.

"I want to know better about the tiny creatures that makes you sick and why you all wear face masks" Said Valentinia.

"It all traces back to an event that happened in our world" Said the historian Sandro Gennari.

"About 500 years ago a new continent called "America" was discovered in our world and the people from a nation called "Spain" from the continent of Europe, where Italy also is, started conquering the empires presented there with their superior technology. However, that wasn't the main reason that defeated these empires... In fact, the europeans brought with them some of the tiny creatures that I described before and that we call viruses and bacteria. These creatures are so small that we can't see them and they infect our bodies in order to survive causing diseases. Despite that, our bodies are great in fighting them especially if a population has been exposed to them for a long time. However, the americans had never been exposed to our viruses and bacteria and the result was deadly..." Continued the medic.

"We want to prevent that from happening again and we have discovered that face masks are great in preventing diseases if the virus or the bacteria is spread thanks to the air." Ended the medic.

"We have learned it the hard way few years ago..." Continued Giovanni Rossi.

"What do you mean?" Asked a confused Valentinia.

"6 years ago a new virus called "Covid -19" started spreading around the world causing what we know as a "pandemic" and the results were devastating..." Said a sad Giovanni.

"Millions died and the economy was ruined" Continued Sandro.

"But we managed to win the battle aganist it thanks to face masks, social distancing and a thing that we call a "vaccine" that helped our bodies with the fight aganist the virus". Ended the medic.

"We want to know more about this world's diseases in order to known if they are dangerous for us or not." Said Giovanni.

"Enough with the sad things. Let's talk about our world to Valentinia and her friends." Ended Giovanni.

All the convoy heard the conversations thanks to radios and everyone nodded in approvation.

"I want to know about you world's form of governement and... These radios are awesome. They allow everyone to communicate from distances with ease!"

"He, he, ... Science is awesome. Right?" Said Giovanni.

"Changing topic... Our country is a democracy or, to be more precise, a Parliamentary Republic." Explained Sandro.

"Every five years everyone, regardless of sex, status or wealth, is called to elect an assembly that we called the parliament. This assembly makes the laws and supports the goverment that is chosen by a figure called "Presidente della Repubblica". The Presidente is chosen by the parliament every 7 years and has to chose a governement that holds the support form the parliament. The parliament is composed by people that belongs to various "political parties" and that represents different ideologies". He finished explaining.

"It's a very different republic from the Carsor Republic, a commercial state that is located to the east of the Kharn Continent in the Solat Continent. This republic has a leader that is elected from the noble families". Said Valentinia.

"This reminds me of the Venice Republic, an ancient Earth nation". Said the historian.

"I want to know more about Earth history because this "democracy" would be impossible in our world." Said Valentinia.

"Maybe in the future you will have the chance to learn our history." Said Sandro.

"I'm looking forward to it". Replied Valentinia.

"It's strange... Our world has stories about elven, dragons and magic despite these things not existing on Earth." Said Giovanni.

"Really?" Said Valentinia.

"Yes, we have a thing called "isekai", a world of the language of nation called "Japan" and that means "another world. The isekai is basically a story of a person that finds himself in another world that usually has magic, dragons, princesses,..." Explained Giovanni.

"We even have an anime, a play with moving pictures, that is called "Gate" and that tells the story of a portal that opened between Earth and a world with magic." Continued Giovanni.

"Strange, maybe our world have already been connected in the past and that would explain these things". Explained Valentinia.

"Yes, maybe it's like you said..." Replied Giovanni.

"Why did the portal opened in the first place? Our scientist were not able to comprend its origin and, given magic is real, maybe you have some theories, Valentinia." Said Giovanni.

"I don't know... I have never heard of a spell that is able to connect two different worlds but maybe Senir, the strongest wizard in all the Empire and that is the court magician, could have an explaination." Said Valentinia.

"When you will be able to meet the emperor you will have the chance to meet him." She continued.

"Enough talking..." Said a voice on the radio. "It looks like we have arrived to Castir."

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