Chapter 13: The Emperor

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After having spoken with Lord Selfrud the italians and the lomorians shared a meal and talked about their different food culture, despite eating in separate tables for sanitary reasons.

While talking they discovered that both countries had a rich food culture (Italy had pizza, pasta, lasagne, polenta, .... while the empire had a rich meat based food culture with some very exotic dishes like orc stew and dragon meat).

After having had lunch the italians decided that it was time to finally leave in order to go back to Earth but before leaving they decided to meet with Leonio and Gilerta in front of the lord's castle to say goodbye to them promising that they would be meeting again very soon (Valentinia also shared the reward of the quest with them).

So, the italians went back to the portal bringing Valentinia, Cassiria, the princess and a man working for Lord Selfrud with them (the lomorians decided to use horses to follow the italians because they needed something to go back to Castir).

Some time later the convoy arrived to the destination and after an exchange of goodbyes the italians crossed the portal while the man sent by the lord noted everything and started to inspect it.

The earthlings stayed into the fantasy world for about 11 hours and when they returned it was 5:00 pm.

Lomor Empire, capital city of Rocam (3 october 2026).

Rocam was the capital of the Lomor Empire and the empire's largest city. It was the political and religious center of the empire because both the emperor and The Church had their seats there.

The emperor, Rotar Palamos, was a very handsome man with blonde hair and depsite being 40 years old he looked younger. 

He wasn't very popular among his vassals because like his father he wanted to reduce their power in order to have a more centralized country. However, he wasn't hated by the population because he wasn't a cruel lord and under his rule there hadn't been any war at least for now.

Rotar was talking with  his best diplomatic, Lord Enric, about a meeting with some countries in the Solat continent that was planned to begin soon when a guard rushed in the hall where the emperor and Lord Enric were.

"Your majesty, your daughter has returned from Castir and she said that she has some important news for you." Said the guard.

"Strange, she is very busy with her studies and I don't know what news could bring her back to the capital. Now I'm very curious." Replied the emperor.

Some time later...

"Father, I'm back!" Said the princess.

"Sefy, my lovely daughter. I missed you and I bet that also your mother and your sister missed you a lot." Said the emperor.

"Yes, I can't wait to see them but I'm not here for this but for more important things..." Said the princess.

So the princess started to tell to her father the entire story: the meeting with the italians, the portal, the magicless world called Earth, the meeting with lord...

"If I didn't know you so well I would say that you have a great imagination but I wan't to believe you because I know that you wouldn't ever lie to me so badly." Replied the lord.

"Thank you father. I would also like to talk with Senir in order to ask him about the portal and to see if he has some ideas about its origins." Said the princess.

"Yes, I would have done that anyway because if this story is real it could mean that the most important event in this world's history since the war of 4000 years  ago could be happening right know." Said the lord.

So the emperor and the princess decided to go to Senir's office to talk with him.

"Senir, open up. It's me, the emperor." Said Rotar.

So the door opened and it revealed a very old man wearing a tunic.

"You majesty. It's always an honor to have you into my room. Please, come in." Said the wizard.

"Oh, and I see that also the princess is here. So, you went back home from the academy..." He continued.

"Yes, and I have a reason for that..." She said.

So she explained the whole thing to Senir and asked him about the portal.

"Very interesting. An entire new world without magic that is more advanced than us." He said.

"For the portal's origin I have no ideas. Maybe it's the gods' work but there is a legend about an ancient civilization that had a very powerful magic that could do things like that." He continued.

"This civilization it's said the it lived before the war of 4000 years ago and no one talks about it anymore." He finished.

"Ok, thank you for your answer. I want you to search more about this civilization." Said the emperor.

"Maybe I can find something useful in some of the old elven legends. I will work on it your majesty." Said Senir.

"Great, thank you for your help." Said the emperor.

"Ha ! I forgot to say that the italians want to meet a delegation of the empire in about 7 days at the portal in the place where they first appeared." Said the princess.

"And you say a thing so important only now?" Replied the emperor.

"Anyway, I will have a delegation meeting them lead by Lord Enric." He continued.

While the emperor was talking with Sefy and Senir other talks were held but this time on Earth...

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