Chapter 30: The Nature of Magic

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30th chapter of my story! Thanks to everyone who supported this story!

Italy, some research lab, some time after the visit of the lomorians.

"Dr. Di Biagio. We have finished studying some DNA samples of the lomorians that were retrived from the glasses where they drank during the trip." 

"So, did you find anything interesting?" He replied.

"Yes, we found some weird genes in their DNA that varied depending on the person."

"They might explain why a person can use magic"

"I think that they are different because of the various types of magic that exist in their world (offensive, defensive and special)."

"However, they genes don't seem to be present because of some natural mutation. It's something else..." Explained a scientist.

"Giovanni Rossi spoke about an hypothetical nuclear war that happened before the creation of the Lomor Empire and of a civilization that was very advanced." Said Dr. Di Biagio.

"They might be responsible for the creation of the portal and for the weird genes that some lomorians have..." He finished explaining.

"We will have to investigate more but one thing is certain: everyone on Earth would want to have soldiers capable of using magic."

"Imagine a tank that is protected by a barrier or a a soldier that can teleport himself..."

"But if the results of our research are used in the right way we could boost our genetic research and cure a lot of illness."

"Let's hope for the best." Replied the other scientist.

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