Chapter 32: Politics and Fairies

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Earth's Embassy, 26 february 2027.

After the spell was casted the meeting could finally start and some old friends could meet each other.

"Giovanni, Lucia,..." I'm happy to see you. " Said princess Sefy.

"The pleasure it's all ours your majesty." Replied Giovanni.

"Let me introduce you to my father, the emperor."

Then they greeted the emperor who replied coldly to their greeting.

"So, you're the earthlings that my dear daughter met during her trip. I hope that they treated you well." Said the emperor.

"Yes, they have all be so kind towards me and the other lomorians." She said.

"Well, I'm happy to known that Earth's people could be respectful."

"Thank you your majesty." Said Giovanni.

"I will now take my leave." He said while going to meet with other leaders.

"I'm sorry for my father. He is very cold at first..."

"Don't worry your majesty. He is the most important person in the empire after all and he could not be too friendly with us." Said Giovanni.

"Anyway, we did not find anything about the portal and you?" Asked the princess.

"Us neither. The only hint we have is about that "ancient civilization" but even your people know nothing about that." He said.

"Oh, it's a shame but anyway I want you to meet the rest of my family." Said Sefy.

So they met with the prince, the empress and Sefy's sister.

"It's true that you have moving pictures? I want to see them." Asked the little princess.

"Yes, I will show you a video on my smartphone." Said Giovanni.

Then he showed the video amazing her and the rest of the family.

"I cannot believe this is not magic." Said Mara.

"No, it's not magic. I have not seen anything like that before." Said an old man.

"Ha, how unpolite of me. My name is Senir Vasalis, the court's wizard."

"It's like a real life Dumbledore/Gandalf!" Said Giovanni.

"Dumble what?" Replied Senir.

"Please Giovanni. For once don't bring otaku stuff in the conversation... It's embarrassing!" Said Lucia, the anthropologist.

"Sorry. I promise to stop."

"I heard you are all so called "scientists"." Said Senir.

"Yes, we study reality using mathematical models and experiments." Said Giovanni.

"I'm a physicist, Matteo is a biologist, ..."

"Well, I would like to talk about science and magic but now it's not the right time. In the future we will definitely do it." Said Senir before leaving.

The talks were about to start but before that the earthlings saw a very strange sight...

"Were those fairies?" Asked Matteo.

"Yes, they follow the eleven Queen of Morsor, Raclea. She is as beautiful as she is dangerous and skilled with magic." Explained Sefy.

"Fairies are so rare that many people believe that they are only a myth. They are even able to make a person's magic stronger after having stipulate a contract with them." She explained.

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