Chapter 39: Italy Goes to War

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Rome, Chigi Palace. The day after the portal battle.

"They have crossed the limit! They even have killed or kidnapped our foreign minister!" Yelled the Chief of Staff of the italian army.

"Calm down! We have to sort things out with our allies first." Replied the PM.

"We will also have to talk to our people after we have made our mind." Added the President of The Italian Republic.

"I bet our men of our secret service are treating our lomorian guest very kindly..." Said the PM.


"Barbarians! You will never make me talk." Said general Grivorius.

"Trust me, we're being too kind. There are many people that would want to torture you in a very painful way. You will never get out from here unless you talk." Said a figure with a suit.

"Why your army attacked our world?" Asked the same figure.

"Because you are barbarians that want to force our imperial family to become your vassal! We'll never accept a thing like that!" Asnwered the general.

"We only want to protect our people. If we wanted to conquer your world we would have already attacked but I bet our foreign minister already told you this..."

"I thought that you were smarter. Attack our country with less than a thousand man? Don't make me laugh!" He continued.

These words only made the general angrier but something weird started happening...

"Where am I? I thought I was guarding the portal with prince Stefanus..." Said the general.

"Don't fool me general Grivorius. What a ridiculus act you are making!" Said the secret agent.

"Who are you? Did you kidnap me? Are you from Earth? Answer me!" 

"Please give an Oscar to that man! He's very skilled but I will not fall for this."

"You will remain here untill you talk. Goodbye!" 

Then he left the interrogation room but continued to watch the man through a special glass that obscured him.

"What do you think Michele?" He said to another man.

"I don't know. But the embassy attack and this attack. Something stinks..."

Sometime after...

"We have the reports of the SSI." Said a soldier.

"Hand them to me." Said the PM.

"Interesting... The general dosen't remember anything almost like he has been brainwashed. He was questioned by a lot of psychologist and subjected to the truth machine and, unless he is the greatest actor of all time, he isn't lying." 

"This would also explain the attacks. Something awful must be happening in the other world." Said the defence minister.

"We cannot risk anything. The empire has become a menace even if the emperor is innocent. We have to send a task force to secure the other side of the portal." Said the PM.

"I think that our NATO allies and some of the other countries that were on the meeting will help us. We cannot have the fully control of the portal if we don't want a WW3 to start." Said the President of The Republic.

"Let's start a meeting with the strongest countries on Earth." Said the PM.

Then he sent e-mails to the other world leaders and quickly arranged an online meeting.

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