Chapter 23: Going to America

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Fiumicino Airport (near Rome), 11 december 2026.

"This is our airplane that will take us to the United States in order to attend the UN meeting". Said colonel Solini.

"There will also be present some representatives of the European Union and of the Nato."

"What's the European Union?" Asked princess Sefy.

"Oh it's my fault for forgetting to explain them while I was telling Earth's history." Said Sandro.

"The European Union together with the UN was meant to prevent another war in Europe after WW2 and was born in 1990's but the ancestor of it, the CEE, was born in the 1950's."

"Its flag is blue and has 12 stars on it."

"It's a political and a trade union between almost every country in Europe."

"It has a parliament that could make some laws that are however inferior to the members' costitutions"

"If a country becomes a member of the union almost all border restrictions are removed between that country and the other members in order to make trade easier."

"There is also a common currency, the Euro, that is not mandatory to adopt."

"Despite being a strong union, it is not a federation and every member has is own army and could leave if he wishes.

"Almost every EU's member is part of the NATO but the difference between them is that the EU is only limited to Europe and its main goal is not the military one." He finished explaining.

"Ok. Thank you Mr. Sandro." Said the princess.

"Everyone on board. The plane is almost ready to take off." Said colonel Solini.

So the lomorians and the italians went inside the plane that was a private jet owned by the italian governement.

"Ladies and gentelment this is the captain. Welcome on board. We will soon take off and land in JFK Internation Airport in about 9 hours."

"I know this is your first experience with a plane and could be very frightening but just relax." Said Giovanni.

So the plane took off and the journey to America started...

"This plane has WI-FI so it's a good moment to watch the most popular sport in Italy: football (or soccer in you live in the USA). In fact, there is the derby of Milan live right now: Inter Milan vs AC Milan." Said Giovanni.

"This is a good opportunity for you to see a litle bit of Earth's sports." He said.

So the lomorians started to watch the match and were very curious about that strange sport.

"So the goal is to kick a ball inside a net while the other team tries to defend it ?" Asked Cassiria.

"Yes." Replied Giovanni.

"What a strange pursuit... Duels and jousts are more fit for a noble..." Said Lord Enric.

"During the middle ages we had them but now it's 2026..." Said Giovanni.

"We have other interesting sports at the academy of magic: magic duels." Said Valentinia.

"We often duel in order to pratice our magic while a teacher watchs us in case we use some dangerous spells that could harm the opponent." She explained.

"We also have some people that make stunts with their dragons.." She continued.

"Now we are talking!" Said Giovanni

So they continued  to chat and to tell more stories about their worlds.

Giovanni also showed an isekai anime and the first movie of the LOTR trilogy to the lomorians promising them that they would watch the other two as well in the future.

"Ladies and gentlement we are about to land to New York. Please fasten your seat belts."

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