Chapter 51: The Siege of Castir Part 4 (The End)

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Somewhere in Castir...

"We are two adventurers from Castir that met the first Earth team when it first crossed the portal.  If you don't believe us watch this..." Explained Gilerta while handing a picture that was gifted to her by colonel Solin as a souvenir of their meeting.

It was a photo of the Earth team, Valentinia and the two adventurers before them had to left the group.

"I know him a little bit. I was in the regular army before e entering in the "Folgore" regiment and he was a rookie just like me." Replied a Folgore soldier while his teammates covered him aganist the incoming lomorian forces.

"What happened here? Did you attack us? Did the empire went crazy and attacked Earth?" She Asked.

"I will show you... Watch this!" 

Then the soldier showed them a footage of the embassy attack and another one about the lomorian attack on Earth.

"There was an attack on a diplomatic meeting in the capital and soon after a lomorian army attacked us. I don't know much but it seems that the general of that army was brainwashed by some magic shit." He explained.

"Then we were right. We felt that something weird was happening in this town and all over the empire." Stated Gilerta.

"This is the most I can reveal. Other informations are confidental. I'm sorry miss"

Then an explosive spell hit the nearby ground.

"Shit! That was close." 

"We will help you! Leonio I will cast a spell that will increase your speed." Said the elven.

"My squad will cover you! Tutti quanti, fuoco di copertura! (Everyone, covering fire!)"

Then the warrior charged with his sword in hand and clashed aganist some lomorian infantry while the italians covered him with their rifle fire and Gilerta fired her bow.

In the end, the fight was won by the strange combination of modern warfare and fantasy one.


"That was the last one. Bravo-1 you are free to go." Shouted an IFVS operator after his squad cleared the battlelfield from the mages that were targeting the helicopters.

"They were very tough but nothing some proud american engineering could resolve."

"Thank you bravo-1. We are heading towards Point Charlie. It seems that a rifle squad is having a real bad day there." Declared a helicopter pilot.

Some moments after, Point Charlie.

"Shit! This guy is fucking summoning iron golems and they are endless..." Cursed Enric.

"He also uses teleport magic just like Valentinia." Stated another soldier.

"There are more soldiers incoming. The imperials are also shooting cannon balls from a nearby tower!" 

Then, luckly, the helicopters arrived...

"This is bravo-1. Sorry for the wait." 

"The cavalry has arrived. Now you are in big trouble, fantasy fuckers!" 

Then the apaches started firing their M230 cannons aganist the golems supported by the anti tank fire of the rocket launchers fired by the rifle squad.

And when the helicopters finally started raining their missiles on those poor bastards the game was over for the lomorians...

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