Chapter 38: Magic VS Tanks

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April 2027, Lomor Empire, Selos Forest.

The GIS fought hard managing to kill many ememies but they were overwhelmed by the numerical superiority of the enemies. Even the IVECO Lince LMV that carried the diplomatic personnel was rendered useless by an earthquake spell that created a hole under it.

The italian minister, the UN and NATO representatives were not killed but instead captured.

Even the prince was among the prisoners even though he managed to kill 10 enemies with his sword skills and strong magic.

"This treason! My father will kill you all for this!" He yelled.

"Shut up! Now we are the ones in control, "your majesty"". Said a soldier.

"Now it's time to make the Earth tremble aganist the might of our empire. Let's cross the portal!" Yelled a soldier while the others replied with warcries.

"Something it's not right... Some of the commanders look like not being fully in control of their actions. It's weird." Thought the prince.

Outside the portal, NATO military base.

"Sir, we have the reports of some movement outside the portal. It's not the diplomatic party because the sensors are detecting more men than the ones that are in the party. Something must have gone terribily wrong." Said a technician.

"Get ready. Everyone ready to battle in 5 minutes!" Said the base commander.

"Soon we will conquer the other side of the portal and wait for the reinforcements." Said the general.

"Sir, are you sure it's a good idea? I heard the tales from the battle in Rocam and they say that the earthlings have some armored horseless carriages that are stronger than the one we destroyed." Said a soldier.

"You dare to disobbey my order private? I'm the one who led the empire to victory during the battle of the Fievsol River during the war aganist the Carsor Republic." He replied.

"The emperor is an inept. He never managed to conquer anything and now he wants to subdue to the earthlings."

"We will manage to conquer this side of the portal in order to create a starting point for our conquest of this world. Glory to Limir and to our mighty empire!"


"This is a NATO country. Go back or this will be considered an act of war and evey nation in this alliance will be aganist you." Yelled a voice thanks to megaphone.

"Don't listen to them. Forward!"


The army continued to ignore the warning and continued its march.

"Men, ready. FIRE!" Said an italian general.

Then a storm of bullets went towards the enemy army killing a lot of them.

Then a storm of bullets went towards the enemy army killing a lot of them

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