Defending Our Daughters

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It was that time of the month to visit the village to buy more groceries. As the personal maid of the Mistress and her daughters, you insisted that you keep the task of gathering supplies. If you were being honest with yourself, you needed a reason to be away from Castle Dimitrescu. Working inside the castle for weeks could sometimes feel suffocating. You missed soaking in the sunlight regularly, and would only experience a mild zephyr blowing your hair and kissing your cheeks whenever you opened your bedroom window every morning.

Although becoming the personal maid certainly offered more privileges, such as having a cozier and bigger room to yourself, and being able to spend more time with the girls, you hoped to gain more freedom to do as you pleased outdoors. But until then, you required the permission of the Lady to let you go to the market.

Timidly, you knocked on the door of her chambers.

"Come in."

You opened the door and found Lady Dimitrescu applying lipstick in front of her vanity mirror. Truly, she was the most stunning person you'd ever laid eyes on. Clearing your throat, you requested, "M'Lady, may I have permission to go to the market? We are low on supplies."

Alcina paused from what she was doing and rotated her body in your direction, grinning when she saw you. "Yes, of course, dear. However, you are not going alone. Someone will accompany you." She furrowed her eyebrows as regret flashed across her face.  "I would've liked to accompany you myself, but I have business meetings to attend this afternoon."

You were flustered and elated simultaneously, Lady Dimitrescu expressed her desire to be with you! How you wished that could've been possible, for you would've loved her company. You were about to respond when Cassandra suddenly popped her head in from around the door frame, startling you with her meteoric appearance.

"We'll go with her, Mother! Please! Let us accompany her!" Cassandra pleaded as she aimed her doe-eyed face at her mother.

"Very well, my daughter." Alcina chuckled heartily. "All of you will go together." She set her focus on you and winked. "Have fun."

Cassandra squealed and grabbed your arm with eagerness, practically dragging you out from the room.

At the village, you gathered the items from your list, which you would've accomplished efficiently within two hours had you been alone. But having the daughters of Dimitrescu tagging along with you turned the day into an excursion. Just as you were about to tell the girls that it was time to return to the castle, Bela begged you if she could buy one last item that she asserted she could not live without. One of the vendors was selling stuffed animals, or whatever those things were. Her heart was set on a green plushie that she claimed was an avocado.

"You already have a kingdom filled with stuffed animals. You don't need another one," Cassandra commented.

"That's the point, I have stuffed animals, but no stuffed vegetables," Bela retorted, sticking her tongue out at her.

Cassandra rolled her eyes. "You moron! An avocado is a fruit!"

"It is not!"

Daniela interjected, "–at least Bela would have her first stuffed fruit."

"Just go ahead and get it, Bela," you cut in, hoping that would settle everyone down. You knew these girls could bicker for an eternity. Bela smiled at you and nodded, grabbing it and moving into the small line of villagers to purchase it.

While all of you waited in line with her, you overheard two women snickering nearby: a taller woman with fuller, red lips as she fixed her stormy eyes on Bela, and beside the taller woman stood a stout, shorter female holding a flower basket.

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