The Fall

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[Request from AlyD2007 ]

You winced, your eyebrows furrowed with pain. If only your head would stop pounding. You had awakened from your nap with a monster of a migraine. Currently, it was taking all your energy just to make it down the staircase. You turned to head toward the chandelier, only to avert your blurry gaze because the light only made your pain sharper. Right as you were about to grab on to the ligneous railing, you missed a step. Your heart stopped once you realized you could not lean back in time.

You pitched forward, tumbling down the remaining stairs. It happened so fast. Every hit bruised your legs, arms, and torso. By the time you reached the very bottom, your world was spinning. You felt the urge to throw up, but you didn't have the strength to lift yourself up. Your migraine was exponentially worse, like someone had drilled dozens of box nails into your skull. Sprawled out on the patterned floor of Castle Dimitrescu, the last thought you had before falling into a temporary unconscious state was that of your wife.

Shortly after your unfortunate fall, Lady Dimitrescu entered her castle. There was so much on her mind — new information for her to process and critical decisions to make. She then smiled to herself, knowing exactly how she wished to unwind from the meeting. Seeing your face would make her day. Because you were a good listener, she could discuss her ideas with you over a glass or two of wine. Since her daughters were out on their daylong hunt and not expected until dark, she hoped you would be in the mood for other activities that involved less clothing.

As Lady Dimitrescu ascended the smaller staircase leading into the Main Hall, her eyes landed on you. Her voice was numb with shock as she rushed over to your limp body. The tall woman collapsed to her knees beside you, checking if you were breathing and if you had a pulse. "Draga?" Placing her index and middle finger in the soft hollow area of your neck, she shut her eyes and sighed in relief. You weren't dead, thank the gods.

That was when you came to. Everything hurt, but you clearly heard your wife's worried and broken voice repeating your name softly. As happy as you were to see her, you couldn't muster a smile. It was as though the light was boiling your eyes out; it was too excruciating for you to move. "My head." Then you weakly pointed up at the ceiling. "Bed?" You needed a room filled with darkness. "The light hurts."

Understanding you, Alcina removed her black hat and gave it to you. "Here. Place this over your face." You groaned in discomfort when she lifted you up into her arms. Then you covered your face with it as she had instructed, which helped a little.

Before you knew it, your wife laid you down on the bed you shared. She pulled the hangings to provide you privacy and complete darkness. Taking her hat from you, she tossed it onto her white armchair nearby. In the blackness, you felt her fingers combing through your hair. "Rest as much as you can. I shall return with something that ought to ease your discomfort."

You reached for her hand, frowning. "Do you have to go? I want you to stay. I feel better whenever you're with me."

Chuckling at how adorable you were and how you never failed to make her feel special, she kissed your forehead. "I promise I won't be gone too long. Can you wait for me?"

Despite your misery, you smirked. "I suppose I can survive without my beautiful wife for a few minutes."

Her crimson lips curved into a huge and playful smile. "I knew you could do it." Giving your leg a loving pat, she hurried out of the bedchamber.

While you stayed in the darkness, you thought back on how you fell down the staircase and how ridiculous you felt about this whole situation. Your original goal was to head into the kitchen to make yourself a caffeinated drink. Now you only added more work to your spouse by burdening her with your incapacitated and injured state. You were supposed to be helping her, not creating problems.

When Alcina returned, she opened the curtains just enough to squeeze herself into your dome of darkness. Her weight dipped on the mattress. Something cold pressed against your head. "An ice pack?"

"Ice and heat are known for reducing migraines. The cold will decrease the blood flowing to your brain, and then a heating pad may work for you later. We'll start with those, and then I shall have a fresh cup of caffeinated coffee ready for you once you're feeling better."

"Aw, you're so sweet." You winced again, holding the pack to your forehead while grinning. "You'd make a great nurse, you know that? I imagine you wearing a nurse's uniform and taking care of ill patients. If I laid eyes on you, I'd request you as my nurse in a heartbeat. And then I'd keep you forever."

Albeit rare, your wife's cheeks flushed from your words. "Well, I'd be honored to have you as my patient. Someone has to keep you in line."

"Now you sound like a drill sergeant."

Bowing her head in shame, your wife covered her face in her hand. "I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you. I should have been here."

"No, don't say that." You kept your voice low. "You were at your meeting. I'm the one who should be sorry for creating problems for you."

"Problems? Is that how you see it?" Her tone was despairing to your ears. "Never think that, draga. I mean it. The only problem I could conceive of is if something terrible happened to you — if you were taken from me." What would she do with herself if you were killed? If you perished from a disease? It was an unspeakable nightmare for her. Her soul would fracture if you ever left her side. "I need you, more than you know." Slipping her hand over your belly, she rubbed it. "We need you.

"I need all of you. Every day." You then scooted over, making room for her. "Will you stay now and cuddle me? I bet your hugs will make my migraine go away faster."

Smiling at you through the darkness, your wife was all too pleased to oblige you. She laid flat on her back, picking you up to set you on top of her. With your head resting on her pillowy breasts, you felt like a cat finding its coziest and most favorite spot to sleep.

"I love you, Alci. Thanks for caring for me."

Breathing deeply, her chest rose. She wrapped her arms around your waist, squeezing you gently. "Always. Thank you for loving me as you do. I love you, sweet girl."

[Hoped you all enjoyed this chapter! Expect a sequel to Pen Pals soon, and for those who've given their requests, you'll eventually see them, too! Happy St. Patrick's Day! Much love! 💚]

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