The Interview (Happy Ending)

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Alcina knocked on your parents' door, knowing you wouldn't be home until later in the afternoon because you were running errands for Bonnie. It was your last day working for her before you returned to Dimitrescu Wine Corporation next week. Your interview was arranged by Alcina herself. Donna had grumbled to her about feeling left out and why she couldn't be the one to schedule your interview, but the CEO had assured her that everything would work out in the end.

Jennie answered the door, wondering who it could be. "Alcina? This is a surprise! What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to stop by to speak with the both of you before I head back to work."

"You took time out of your busy schedule to come and see us?"

"Of course." Alcina smiled warmly at her. These past three years had been nothing short of wonderful. Jennie and Harold had become like another set of parents to her. "I'm always pleased to see you and Harold."

Jennie beamed, considering the tall woman to be a second daughter to her. "With how many times you visit us, you might as well just live here. What do you want to talk to us about?"

Alcina stepped through the front door, stomping her feet on the Welcome mat. "May we discuss it in the living room?"

"Oh Lord," Jennie spoke, the pitch of her voice rose. "Don't tell us you're sick! You don't have a terminal illness, do you?"

She shook her head quickly. "No, I am not sick. I am fine, more than fine. I don't bear any bad news."

"That's a relief..."

Alcina followed Jennie into the living room to find Harold in his usual spot. He was seated in his armchair, watching a ball game while eating a bowl of pretzels mixed with nuts. "Awful!" He shouted at the TV. "How the hell do you miss an easy catch like that?"

"Honey." Jennie gave her husband a gentle reminder. "It's just a game. Don't be angry at the TV."

"I'm not angry at the TV. He missed that catch! Had I been in his spot, and fifty years younger, I would've caught that easily with my eyes closed."

Jennie passed by his chair, patting his hairy arm while chuckling. "But you're not fifty years younger, my dear. And I didn't fall in love with you because you won that football game. I fell in love with you because of your caring nature."

"And my looks, don't deny it," Halord remarked, smirking at his wife. "I wasn't so bad-looking when I was hitting the gym several times a week. And neither were you. You're the hottest girl I've ever laid eyes on. How did I get so lucky?"

Alcina noticed the bashful expression on Jennie's face. Seeing how long your parents had been married was an inspiration for her. Their love was abiding and exemplary. She only hoped that she could love you this deeply for years to come. "Hello, Harold."

He turned in his chair to acknowledge her. "Oh, hey. I didn't see you hiding behind my wife."

"Hiding," Jennie snorted. "Do you see how short I am? Alcina is like a tree." Playfully, she leaned back into the tall woman, raising her hand to her forehead. "A tree that provides me shade from the scorching sun!"

Alcina laughed, resting her hands on her shoulders to squeeze them. "I'll provide you all the shade you need."

"What brings you here? Aren't you working?" Harold asked, lifting the bowl toward her. "Pretzels?"

She declined his offer with a wave of her hand. "I'm good. Yes, I am working today. But one of my meetings was canceled this afternoon, so I wanted to use the hour I had to visit the both of you. I have something important I'd like to ask."

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