The Governor's Niece

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In the garden maze, you sat on the edge of a large, three-tier water fountain. Gazing up into one of the many windows of the governor's mansion, the light inside revealed the shadow of someone who was likely cleaning the room from the second floor.

It was your group of friends who dragged you to this annual gala, claiming you'd have a great time. Unfortunately, you had lost interest in it about an hour ago. Since each of your friends had a date with them, that had left you alone to mingle among the crowd of unfamiliar faces. With little to do apart from visiting the buffet table for sumptuous appetizers and desserts, you had filled your plate and carried it outside.

Now that you were enjoying the light breeze and coolness of the grass with your bare feet, you did not regret your decision. Once the gala was over, you'd search for your friends and then leave with them. Until then, you'd stay right where you were.

Meanwhile, a rather pale woman wearing a long, white dress hurried down the steps of the mansion. Desperately needing an escape from the suffocating guests, who bombarded her with questions about her uncle and his estate, she vanished into the maze to clear her head. Despite being a member of the aristocracy, she was not as entertained or as tolerant as her family was when dealing with garrulous individuals. Their endless chatter and classic examples of humble-bragging eventually got to her. She could only handle so much.

Under the moonlight, she noticed you off in the distance, sitting by yourself at her favorite place: the fountain. Curiously, she headed in your direction, clearing her throat loudly enough, so her sudden presence wouldn't alarm you. "What brings you out here?"

Looking up from your plate, the dark-haired woman got your attention. You grimaced, thinking you weren't supposed to be out here. "I'm sorry. Am I not meant to be here?"

Alcina shook her head, raising her hand. "No, you're fine. I'm only surprised to find that I am not the only one out here. Are you enjoying the gala?"

You slipped your uncomfortable heels back on, trying to appear more formal in front of this stunning woman. "Yes. Well, my friends invited me."

"Really?" She hadn't seen you inside the mansion. "So, where are your friends? Are they hiding in the maze?"

"I wish. But no, they are still dancing, I believe."

She frowned, hating the fact that your so-called friends left you by yourself. You were gorgeous in your crimson dress. In her opinion, one had to be an absolute fool not to ask you to dance. "Well, do you mind if I join you?"

You liked the sound of that, so you scooted over, even though there was plenty of space for her to sit down. "So, what's your story? Did your friends bring you to this gala, too? Or do you have a date?"

"Neither," Alcina admitted. She hadn't too many friends in her life, and she certainly hadn't found anyone who piqued her interested enough to date them. "I am here because of family matters. It seems appropriate that I attend my uncle's annual event."

Your eyes widened. "You're his niece? Oh! I didn't, uh, know that."

She smirked at you, noting your nervous body language. "I wouldn't expect you to."

"Do you visit your uncle often?"

She shrugged. "Only a few times a year. My uncle owns a vineyard in Romania. I handle his finances and oversee his land."

You admired his mansion from your viewpoint. "It must be nice to stay in a magnificent place such as this. This garden maze alone is incredible. And you've got those talented cooks and maidservants keeping those rooms tidy."

Alcina raised her eyebrow. "Maidservants? My uncle has no maidservants."

"He doesn't? Maybe I'm mistaken, but I've been watching someone cleaning a room. They keep moving back and forth from that window."

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