The Castle's Nuisance

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If the castle wasn't already prodigious, it seemed even more monstrous from your vantage point. It was overwhelming to be stuck in such a vulnerable state and left to wander these vast halls. Poking your head out from behind the curtains, your legs wobbled, unsure of themselves and how far you could really run if the occasion called for it. Like a baby learning to walk, you could only take one step at a time.

You had one goal in mind: to reach the lady of the castle and hope she'd know how to transform you back to your human form. The risk: everyone else who wasn't Lady Dimitrescu. This included your zestful daughters, who would either crush you to death with their hugs or add you to their newest recipe. Your skin crawled as you imagined Cassandra skinning you alive with one of her nice, shiny daggers.

At the sound of someone entering the main hall and calling out your name, you carefully stuck your head through one hole in the wooden banister. Looking down, your eyes tracked the youngest daughter's movements as she looked around for you. In her arms, she was carrying a book, which she no doubt wanted to show to you. It'd have to wait.

Unfortunately, you found you couldn't get your head out as easily as you had put it in. Each time you tried to withdraw your head, your cup-shaped ears would flatten against your tiny skull, bringing on discomfort and pain as you further struggled to become unstuck. Letting out a pathetic mew, you freed yourself at last, at the cost of alerting Daniela to your presence. Damn their enhanced hearing.

Her eyes darted up in your direction. "Who goes there?"

As soon as you heard her voice, you knew you were screwed and had little time to hide before she'd be on your tail. You were thankful for the wine-colored carpets, which granted you the traction you needed to run fast without slipping across the freshly oiled floors and falling like a drunk jester. Realizing that the maids had already accomplished their morning chores of cleaning each room, they'd always leave the doors shut to notify the other workers that the area was complete. Thankfully, the only one that was cracked open was the yellow door leading to the wine room. It'd have to do.

Since hiding under the round table would prove much too obvious, you squeezed yourself in between the barrel and wall that was in the far corner of the room. It was a tight fit. You were beginning to feel claustrophobic with the cask pressing hard against your nose.

Once Daniela stepped in, she took in a deep breath and sniffed the air for your scent, knowing your exact location straight away. Casually, she placed her book on the table and wished not to spoil the fun. "I know you're in here, little one! Now, where could you be?"

She prowled the room and pretended to search through each cabinet, picking up and reading the labels on her mother's bottles of exquisite wine. You crawled forward and planned to dart for the door before she could make her way over to your hidden spot. Bracing your hind legs to propel you toward your escape route, you felt the floor shake beneath you as she stomped over and shoved the barrel aside with ease.

"Kitten!" she squealed in such a girlish and high-pitched voice that it caused you to flinch in fear. "Aww, how did you get in here? Aren't you the smallest and cutest thing? Come here!"

Attempting to grab you, you jumped over her hands and bolted for the door. You let out a piercing cry when she snatched you by the leg and dragged you back to her. Daniela scooped you up into her arms and began cradling you like an infant, showering you with her incessant fawning adoration. You could even feel her droplets of saliva sprinkling your face from her excited chatter. Fighting to squirm out of her strong hold on you, you hissed and kicked at her until you could fling yourself to the ground.

You thought you were safe until Bela met you at the doorway. She acted promptly upon seeing you and blocked your way out. The plushie hugger, who would no doubt squeeze the very life out of you.

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