The Soldier (Happy Ending)

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Shortly after watching you travel down the road, Alcina caught a tear sliding down her face with her glove. She couldn't stop them from falling. Seeing you go only reminded her of the war and its brutalities. The loss of many lives and how it deeply affected those who were left behind. It was her burning hope that this wasn't the last time she'd see you.

"Mother?" Bela hesitated before reaching out for her arm. "Are you okay?"

"I will be." Alcina drew her in and started heading back to the manor house with her. "We'll be fine."

Meanwhile, Casandra and Daniela were competing, like most siblings do, seeing who could keep track of you the longest before you disappeared in the distance. "She looks like a tiny figurine from far away."

"I can see her bag hanging over her shoulders," Daniela remarked, taking another step forward on the road. 

Alcina turned around and held her hand out to her. "Daniela, come along."

"Mother! Look! Look!" Cassandra aimed her finger up at the dark clouds as if she spotted a foreign object in the sky. "Rain's coming!" She then ran over to her and tried to shake her tall parent by the shoulders. "Do you know what this terribly gloomy day calls for? Cupcakes! We should head back and make some! When life gets you down, add sprinkles and other shit like that! It makes things a little better."

Alcina blinked her tears away and chuckled at her daughter, despite her inner turmoil. "What a profound statement. You should become a poet. Very well, we'll make some. But we're using almond flour."

"Aw!" Bela playfully shot her pouty face. "Can't we use regular flour? You can actually taste the almond and it's far too—"

"—healthy-tasting," Daniela deadpanned, spinning around to join her family.

Alcina feigned offense and raised her hand to her forehead. "Heaven forbid I feed my daughters anything healthy..."

Cassandra had the energy of a nuclear plant as she exploded past her mother. "I'll grab the flour and sugar! Bela! You can grab the butter and, uh, make the frosting! Have it be vanilla ."

"Chocolate!" Daniela protested loudly.

"No! That won't do. If we make chocolate cupcakes, then we don't want chocolate frosting."

"But I wanted white cupcakes," Bela said. "Okay, let's compromise. We'll have white and chocolate cupcakes!"

"That's the best idea!" Cassandra agreed. "If Y/N were here instead of marching back to her base, she would say the very same thing."

Her mother raised her eyebrow at her. "Oh, you think so, do you?"

"She loves sweets!" Daniela pointed out. "I'd sneak into her room and give her chocolates."

Alcina gave her a strangled expression. This was new information to her. "And just when did you do that?" She was often in your room with you. There was no way she would have failed to notice her daughters sneaking in treats for you.

"While you were making dinner! And whenever you were using the restroom."

"Well, that's good to know. Now I'll keep a closer eye on you while I'm cooking."

Daniela's cheeks lifted. "But not when you're in the bathroom! Because no one wants to see that action with the door wide open."

"All right, that's enough!" Alcina gathered her little chicks and gently urged them back to the manor house. No doubt the sugar from the cupcakes would only cause her girls to be more hyperactive for a brief time, yet she didn't mind. She would do anything to cheer them up.

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