Her Wife

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[A request from @RoviApex ]

You approached the large, imposing structure with its foreboding atmosphere. You lifted your wool scarf to cover half of your face to keep your skin from the frost's touch. Mother Miranda had been kind to you, providing the proper clothing you needed for this harsh winter. How long had it been? Years? You couldn't remember how much time had passed.

Pushing on the double doors, you went inside and followed the red carpet up the six stairs in front of you, which led you to a giant painting hanging on the wall. It was of three young women. On the golden plaque below the picture, it read:

"Three Daughters
Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela."

Daughters? Whose daughters? Cautiously, you made your way through the castle, observing the white vases, finding a guest book on an expensive table, and exploring the twisting hallways lacquered in ornate golden gildings of vines.

Eventually, you entered the Hall of the Four. You beheld four lit pedestals. Beyond them, there was a door with another gold plate on it. You went over to it, squinting your eyes to read what it said:

"Mask the angels' blinded gaze and only then will you be saved."

You were trying to read the rest of it until you noticed ugly, black flies crawling around the corners of the plate. Not one, not two, but a few. A few then turned into several, and then you heard loud buzzing coming from behind you, followed by sinister cackles. From the swarms of flies, three figures appeared from them, taking on a human form. A blonde, a brunette, and a redhead in long, black hooded dresses. They had these peculiar markings on their foreheads, and each of them wore two sets of necklaces. That was all you could gather from their appearances before you shrank back in fear.

"A new plaything!" Bela rushed at you from the left, shoving you to the ground. "How exciting!"

"Play with us?" The redhead skipped blithely toward you, snatching you by the ankle. "You'll be my new favorite!"

Her sister, Cassandra, took hold of your other ankle. "Drag her!"

You shrieked as they proceeded to drag you all over the floor like a rag doll, even causing you to smack your head against one of the white pedestals from how fast they were moving. "Let me go! No! Stop!"

Bela rubbed her chin with her hand. "Begging. It's like music to my ears. It's only courteous that we show you around the castle. But first, you must meet our mother!"

A bolt of panic hit you as you screamed at them to release you. If they were this terrible, how much worse could their mother be? Their fanatic giggles rang in your ears. It was within a flash that you were being hauled down one hallway and then down another. Your back sustained plenty of abrasions.

Once they released your ankles, you moaned and curled in on yourself. When you had the strength to lift your head, you saw a soft orange and yellow glow coming from a fireplace. One of the girls spoke up. "Mother, I bring you fresh prey."

A woman's voice, which was deeper than theirs, responded, "You are so kind to me, daughters." Lady Dimitrescu raised her crimson wine glass to her lips, finishing the rest of her drink, before she stood from her luxurious armchair. "Now, let's take a look at our new guest."

As she turned around to face you, her heart leaped into her throat as her golden eyes widened. There was no way you could be in her bedchamber. Not in her castle. "Draga?"

You had died long ago before she created and adopted her beloved daughters. Her memory of losing you to that sickness had nearly destroyed her. Mother Miranda had come by to collect your body after you passed away, which left Alcina to wander the halls and reside in her castle alone. That was, until three small children by the names of Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela filled in some of the gaping holes of her heart. She raised them from little children, telling them stories about you every night and how you would've been their other loving mother.

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