The Woman in the Mirror (Conclusion)

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The moment you woke up, you noticed a dip in your mattress, indicating you weren't alone. "Hello?" Rolling off your bed, you grabbed your travel mirror from your kit and began scanning the room. You moved it until it landed on Alcina, who was staring at you from the corner of the closet. Growing wide-eyed, you lowered your mirror and inched your way to the door.

"Please don't leave." Her voice sounded like the wind whistling through your slightly open window.

You kept your back to her. "You're not going to hurt me, right?"

"I assure you, that wasn't me."

Lifting the mirror above your head, you saw her pale face and frowned. "Then who was that? She looked just like you, except she was much larger and very handsy."

You watched her face fall as she moved past your bed. "This will sound confusing to you, but that was my other half. When we died—when I died long ago, the human part of me broke off from my mutated self that Mother Miranda created."

"So, you're telling me you've been divided into two separate personalities? You're technically the same person, but also your own person? Yeah, not confusing at all. Just tell me she isn't after me or my aunt."

"I cannot promise that, but I can keep her in check."

You were more puzzled than ever as you lifted your finger at her. "You mean keep yourself in check? Can't you control her thoughts or actions? She's you, correct?"

Letting out a sigh, she sat on your bed. "It's not like that. All I can tell you is that our spirits are bound together. Not that either of us are thrilled about that arrangement, that is. We find ourselves at odds with each other."

Instead of leaving your room like you intended, you joined her on your bed and kept your mirror angled at her. "Why didn't you come that night? I needed you. I thought she was going to kill me."

A hand rested on your lap. "You don't remember hearing my voice that night? The mirror cracked. That was my doing. I'm sorry I didn't come to you sooner. I won't let her touch you again."

You placed your hand on hers. "Alcina? Is this your curse? To live forever with your "other half" and stay in this castle all the time?"

Smiling down at your hand, she squeezed it. "It's my choice to stay, like I've told you before. If or when I choose to leave, she is forced to depart with me."

It was such a strange sensation to have a ghost squeezing your hand like this. Unlike the living, her touch was cold instead of warm. "Because you're tied together in spirit, can she leave anytime, too? Would you be forced to leave with her?"

"I would. But trust me, she won't. She is far too stubborn to leave this castle."

"What about those girls you told me about? Do they leave with the both of you as well?"

"That is up to them. They are likely to follow their mother wherever she goes."

"She." You chuckled. "You keep referring to your evil self in third person. This is the craziest shit I've ever heard. Sometimes I feel like I'm stuck in a dream."

A smirk appeared on her lovely face. "A nightmare, you mean?"

"Well, certain aspects of this are like a nightmare, yes. But you, my lady, are the most pleasant part." You then admitted to yourself how much you had missed her. Your talks with her each night made your day. "So, where do we go from here? I miss dancing in the studio. I'm not sure if I feel comfortable going back to that room without you?"

"I shall never leave your side,' Alcina promised. "Wherever you go, I go."

Her words brightened your mood so much that you nearly forgot about the shadow of her alter ego. "I'll take that! Hey!" You jumped off your bed with excitement to place your floor mirror in front of her. "I still have yet to show you those bases on the moon, and I have a few funny clips of animals."

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